General Secretary Hu Jintao stressed in his speech in the General Assembly tocelebrate the100th anniversary of the Tsinghua University, college and actively enhancethe original innovation, integrated innovation and the introduction of digestion andabsorption of innovation capacity at the same time,"to actively promote collaborativeinnovation". This spirits of the speech states the importance of collaborative innovation,on implementing the Strategy in China, building an innovative country and an importantguiding significance. Collaborative innovation plays an important role not only collegesand universities to carry out innovation activities, and innovation of enterprises,especially high-tech SME innovation and more importantly, practical significance.Firstly, collate existing research and literature on the basis of inductive analysisrelated to the theory of opportunistic behavior in collaborative innovation and high-techSMEs, the main analysis of collaborative innovation, incomplete contract andevolutionary game theory.Secondly, the thesis analyzes the motivation and effect of collaborative innovationin China’s high-tech SMEs. High-tech SMEs are: the internal interest-drivencompetition in the market-driven and government policies affecting the dynamiccollaborative innovation. The high-tech SMEs in collaborative innovation can bring therisk of promoting the orderly flow of innovative resources, reduce the transaction costsof high-tech SMEs and reduce the technological innovation.Then, on the basis of theoretical analysis for me over the opportunistic behavior ofhigh-tech SMEs collaborative innovation, collaborative innovation and the excessreturns to take the income of individual innovation cooperation strategy to takeopportunistic behavior a betrayal of earnings, revenue partition coefficient, cost-sharingcoefficient and take the opportunistic behavior of default cost more in line with thereality of the impact factor to the introduction of evolutionary game model, the use ofevolutionary game theory analysis of the opportunistic behavior after I had thehigh-tech SMEs collaborative innovation in the contract, determine affect thecollaborative innovation critical success factor.Finally, on the basis of a systematic analysis of opportunistic behavior incollaborative innovation and high-tech SMEs, from business and government at twolevels, the prevention and treatment of opportunistic mechanisms. From the enterprise level, the selection mechanism should improve cooperation and innovation partnersassess, optimize the design of collaborative innovation contract to establish a contractoversight mechanisms to establish and improve the corporate reputation informationsystems and enhance mutual trust, cooperation and innovation between partners in fiveareas of governance cooperation Innovation opportunistic behavior; from thegovernment level, should proceed from the SME Technology Innovation environmentand sound technical innovation policies and regulations support system to govern theopportunistic behavior in collaborative innovation. |