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A Report Of The Application Of Translation Methods And Skills In EST Translation

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q TanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of science and technology, people should learn thelatest knowledge and the advanced technology. Therefore, the translation of sciencearticles of English is playing a vital role. Being objective and informational, sciencearticles are featured with a lot of terminologies and long sentences and have their owncharacteristics in the choice of vocabulary, sentence structures and the conversion of thevoices. Therefore, during the translations, translators should select appropriatetranslation methods and skills to produce proper translations to facilitate the targetreaders’ understanding of the source passages.This report includes four parts: introduction, preparation of this project, analysis ofcases and conclusion. In this report, by translating these articles of New Scientist, theauthor tried to demonstrate how the translation methods (literal translation and freetranslation) and the translation skills (extension, conversion, splitting-off and theconversion of the passive voices) can be used to translate science articles.Through the practice of translating the articles of New Scientist, the author hasrealized that the translator needs to read some parallel texts, have the aid of translationtools and consult some professionals to ensure the accuracy of each translation. Thecases presented in this report can serve as an example for the translation of Englishscience articles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation Methods and Skills, Science English, New Scientist
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