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Problems Existing In The Construction Of Contract Fire Control Team And Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2013-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401450041Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fire forces made an irreplaceable contribution to the smooth progress of China’seconomic construction, social harmony and stability, and the people live and work. Thecontract fire team, as the most powerful supplement of the active-duty fire forces,effectively solve the serious shortage of heavy duty tasks contradictions of fire active-dutypolice force, mutual integration with active fire forces fought side by side and worktogether to enhance the fireman and rescue, the smooth progress of the economicconstruction and the personal and property safety of the people provide a strong guarantee.The contract fireman was approved by the local government for approval, inaccordance with the law in the public recruitment, arrangements fire forces engaged incombat readiness, logistics support, technical support and clerical jobs contract staff work.The contract fireman team has a clear and specific management objectives, theimplementation of the dual leadership of the leadership system of forces and labordispatch agencies, and ideological education with a distinctive forces color way. Tostrengthen the the contract fireman team building, to create the reasonable employersatmosphere, the need to keep the team stability, construction contract regularization fireteam, improve team needs vitality, is a the contract fire team of scientific management,enhance team fighting needs; strengthen the contract fireman team building, should adhereto the principles of democratic centralism, objectivity, systematic and feasibility.The Loudi Police Fire team contract fire team building, development to achieve ahistoric breakthrough, its construction to promote Area fire safety environmentalconditions greatly improve the fireman of the contract has become an important force tomaintain public safety, and issued a contract fireman more detailed regulations. However,Loudi Police Fire team contract is still fighting is not strong, less stable, the initiative nothigh, the reason is the contract Fire team conscripted way less scientific managementsystem is not perfect, protection,the mechanism is not perfect, factors such as politicaland ideological work. Therefore, from the optimize the contract fireman conscripted way,improve the fireman of the contract management system, improve the contract firemanprotection mechanisms, strengthen political ideological education to improve the ofcontract fireman team building.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contract fireman, Fire team construction, Contract, Countermeasures
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