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Land-lost Farmers’ Collective Appeal Logic

Posted on:2014-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425973442Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, the land since the ancient times is the farmer is the basic guarantee of survival, and responsible for political, economic and social life and so on many kinds of functions. Farmers once lost land, it means losing the most basic of production material, lost natural employment opportunities, and lost stable life source. From the end of the twentieth century, the industrialization of our country rural urbanization development, the process is acceleration, caused by the rapidly increasing demand for land. The process of social development in different degree seriously violated the farmer’s interests, farmers lose life dependent on land, face survival crisis. The current the reality of our country is in the primary stage of socialism, social reform in the land system system has not been perfected yet, some local governments in solving the problem of farmers’ land acquisition and no full consideration of the actual local, lead to farmers lose the land reduced to life depends on new social vulnerable groups. In order to survive, in order to maintain their own interests and rights, landless peasants through collective appeal this expression of interest way to fight for their own interests. Landless farmers problems highlights, landless farmers of expression of interest and maintenance is from people of all walks of widespread concern. Collective appeal gradually become farmers’ interests by the main form of expression. This paper presents the design of a clue on the four chapters content. The first chapter for an introduction, is mainly to the related research review of the case to the village and the comb is introduced. The second chapter to case interviews as the breakthrough point, the case of the events of the appeal process village analysis. Which caused the third chapter of the group petitions reason analysis, to the farmer collective appeal the causality academic theory analysis. Chapter4cases were the cause of the event is concluded. This paper tries to through a village of southern region of what happened group petitions land-lost farmers describe events analysis, how profound farmers the logic of collective action, for the government on how to effectively prevent and respond to farmers’ collective appeal to provide feasible measures and the idea of institutional reform, to hope to complement and perfect related research, for research landless farmers problems will offer a new way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landless peasants, Collective petitions, expression of interests
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