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County League Of Social Mobilization Forces

Posted on:2014-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330401958012Subject:Minority areas of public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the21st century, with the profound transformation of social structure and the trend of value pluralism, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), as the ruling party of China, faces increasing pressure in governing the country. To promote China’s development and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the efforts of the CPC should not be the sole power to be expected. It should rely more on the strength of the whole nation, which need to mobilize all the people to participate in the country’s building and management. In order to achieve the rise and revival of China, a developing country, the social mobilization is an essential part of this process, where young people constitute a major human resources and serve as a valuable asset. Hence, there should be a wide range of social mobilization of youth, because the form and scale of the mobilization to some extent determines the speed and characteristics of social development. The Chinese Communist Youth League(CYL), a mass organization of advanced youth under the leadership of the CPC, is the bridge between the Party and the majority of young people. To some degree, the social mobilization force of the CYL determines the capacity of its youth mobilization. The county-level Communist Youth League is the grass-roots organization of the CYL, directly facing the overwhelming majority of young people, and the power of its social mobilization is of vital importance. In this paper, on the basis of the research results at home and abroad, The author read a lot of document Literature, adopting documentary, interviews, case studies and other research methods and taking a county-level CYC as a case study, to analyze the social mobilization force of the CYL at county-level, First of all, the author presented a reasonable understanding on the research of social mobilization at home and abroad, and she discovered that the current studies mainly concentrated on the field of political mobilization, and the studies on social mobilization is relatively fewer. However, there have been inefficient studies on social mobilization of grassroots organizations like similar county-level CYL, which provided both an opportunity and a new perspective for the study. After that, the author, according to her actual work experience, carefully analyzed social mobilization force of the county-level CYL, including the features of the county-level CYL, the details of its social mobilization, and its role in social mobilization, which can be used to synthetically analyze the social mobilization force of the county-level CYL. In turn, the paper, based on the status quo, summarized the various factors that restrict the capacity of social mobilization of the county-level CYL, manly due to several major constraints including mobilization subject, object, environment and program. Finally, the author used her expertise, combined with work experience in grass-roots, to propose targeted recommendations and countermeasures by deliberation. For example, to strengthen self-construction of the county CYL, to strengthen the interaction between the mobilization subject and object, actively meet the changes in the environment of mobilization and to optimize mobilization programs, in the hope of providing some help to improve county-level social mobilization power of the CYL.In short, the paper selected a county-level CYL as an object of study to expand the study object of social mobilization force, and meanwhile the expansion of the field of social mobilization force. Secondly, the content involved in this paper is all by my practice investigation, being authentic and persuasive, hoping to enrich the studies on social mobilization force and to provide some reference for the county-level CYL’s social mobilization work On the other hand, due to the limitations of professional knowledge, the article may lack considerable deliberation in detail and depth, so criticism and suggestions from readers are welcome.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communist Youth League, county-level CommunistYouth League, social mobilization, mobilization power
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