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Honors Education In Doctorate-granting Universities In The United States

Posted on:2013-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330374967520Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of high-level talents has great influence on the flourish and decline of a nation and a state. As the potential resources of leaders of the country in all walks in the future, the development of superior students in doctorate-granting universities has become a growing concern in recent years."Everest Project","Excellent Engineer Education Plan","Excellent Doctor Education Plan" and "Legal Talent Education Plan" have been unveiled in succession. How to educate superior students is a difficult question constantly being thought about and probed by higher education institutions and academics.Education for superior students in the United States, known as honors education, originates from Oxford University’s "Pass/Honors Examination" in19th century and up to now it has had developed over100years. Moreover, the United States has the biggest education system of superior students throughout the world. By studying education for superior students in doctorate-granting universities in the United States, this thesis aims at examining and pondering the education for superior students in doctorate-granting universities in our country from an external dissociated perspective.In order to achieve this aim, this thesis sorts out and analyzes the history and current situation of honors education in the United States vertically and horizontally on a macro basis. Then, on a micro basis, a case study on the honors program in College of L&S in UW-Madison is provided. Delicate and comprehensive classification and analysis are made to relevant aspects related to the systems of selection and cultivation of this honors program. Finally, based on the macro and micro interpretation and analysis of honors education in the United States, some experiences are summarized; thoughts about some disadvantages of honors education in the United States are taken; some differences between the situations of the two countries are pointed out. The experiences of honors education in the United States suggest that we stick to the concept of student-centered education; clarify the domain of superior students, set up liberal programs; found a national organization; enhance students’sense of social responsibilities. Some disadvantages of faculty stimulating and evaluating systems still exist in honors education in the United States. Superior student selecting and withdrawing systems of the two countries confront with radically different situations.We can learn many valuable experiences from honors education in doctorate-granting universities in the United States, but idealizing and simply copying the experiences will never work out. Some problems about education of superior students in doctorate-granting universities in China can only be solved by our own efforts, because of the different conditions and education modes. This thesis endeavors to provide a different perspective and some fresh materials to researchers in this field, and hopefully be helpful to reforms and innovations in superior student education in doctorate-granting universities in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:the United States, doctorate-granting universities, honorseducation, superior students, top-notch creative talents
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