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Study On Depression In College Students Imagery Dialogue Used In The Treatment

Posted on:2014-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425955930Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:depression, which influences one’ study and life, has been increasingly common among college students. Imagery conversing as a technique of psychological consultation has been understood and accepted by more and more people. This study is aimed at finding out the imagery features of college students’depressed emotion and probes into the efficiency of imagery conversing technique on decreasing college students’depressed emotion so as to help to detect depressed emotion in time. Based on this, more effective approaches of imagery conversing are constructed in allusion to depression in order to raise college students’ levels of mental health.Method:this study adopts the questionnaire survey, randomly distributing250questionnaires of Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) in Slender West Lake, Yangzhou University and obtaining207valid subjects after removing invalid ones. Based on the scores in terms of the imagery features of houses, trees and characters in the imagery conversing technique, a high score group and a low score group, each consisting of27persons, are picked out of the207valid subjects Guided imagery are carried out on the high score group and the low score group, and their imagery are observed whether there is any difference or not so as to get the imagery features of depressed emotion. And the experiment design adopts the multi-baseline case study to probe into the efficiency of imagery conversing therapy on intervening college students’ depressed emotion. Meanwhile, SCL-90and SDS are used as evaluation tools to measure the subjects’ emotional condition.Result:1. In terms of depression, female college students are significantly higher than male students; college students who are the only child in their families are significantly higher than those with siblings; seniors are obviously higher than freshmen, sophomores and juniors; juniors are obviously higher than freshmen and sophomores while there is no significant difference between freshmen and sophomores; those without any part-time job are significantly higher than those with one.2. There exist remarkable differences between the group with high score in depression and that with low score in terms of the house’s appearance, light intensity, degree of cleanliness, the thickness, health conditions and growing conditions of trees as well as the level of cleanliness, appearance and health conditions of the character in the mirror.3. Three subjects who participate in the case study all get an over25%decrease in SDS aggregate score and their depression scores are all lowered below the demarcation criterion. The three subjects are tracked three months after the experiment and the returned statistics shows that all of them keep their score in depression steady or has made it somewhat lower than before, which indicates that imagery conversing technique has positive effect on relieving college students’ depressed emotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:imagery conversing, depressed emotion, college students
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