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High School Math Guidance Case Preparation And Use Of Analysis And Countermeasures

Posted on:2015-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425996372Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the last decade, the high school teaching model campaign has changed a lot.Tremendous schools have carry out their own specific teaching model gradually.Especially, the Case-Pushed model has become the favorite for those high schools.This so called Case-Pushed model benefits teachers from the fever of teaching toomuch information in their lessons. At same time, their students can learn what theywant in a more positive attitude, the abilities of research have been proved and theywill learn more by themselves. This model has been looked as a revolution somehow.However while this model is been conducted in the real class, the practices anddeviation will happen technically, and confusions will appears in some extent. In thisway, the teaching model could be improved in case of we put enough effort inthinking of how to solve those problems and make it more efficiently.This article is based on the background of the teaching model trials in GaoqingNo1Middle School, and focus on the case of Case-Pushed model in the mathematicsstudy, in case of teaching materials composition. The data collection is done byquestionnaire and group face-to-face talking ways, in order to find out the problemsand defects in the normal real teaching. Then, we can do comprehensive analysis andfind ways to prove them.In this article, we will discuss the following effective solutions to solve theproblems we meet:1. We can make the strict plan, distribute the tasks which been divided by the wholeone to the different group members, and then the evaluation standard will be setup at same time. As a result, the corporation study will be organized well.2. The volume and structure will be redone, refine the parts and details in the model.In this way, the model will be run in more effective way.3. Find was to solve the conflicts for the pre-study and review for our students, thestudents will do pre-study and review well in a more positive way.The teachers will have more communication, contact and interactive withThis article is different from the others because it can describe the problems fromthe teaching practice, can find out solutions from the analysis of seeking for theoriginal reasons, and can provide accurate solutions in practice. The innovation of thisarticle is providing the problems by real cases, and will give solutions for differentproblems prospectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning Plan Guidance, Guidance case, compile, use, co-operative group
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