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Development Of Competitive Imbalance In The World Of Table Tennis Causes And Countermeasures

Posted on:2015-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428963446Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Table tennis began in the latter half of the19th century, has been100years of history, through the process of human intelligence andcreativity, has become a sport with a world influence, and in1967, theInternational Table Tennis joint under Roy Evans, chairman ofunremitting efforts, finally joined the Olympic sports in the world’smost influential family. But according to the provisions of the"Olympic Charter", the sport into the summer Olympic sports oncondition that men meet at least four continents and75countries orregions extensively, women meet at least three continents and atleast forty countries or regions extensive; sport into the winterOlympic Games must meet at least25countries and3continents ofthe sport is widely carried out. Throughout her development process,during the heyday of Europe, Japan, dominate, then the historic rise ofChinese table tennis, after a brief revival in Europe completely sweptinto the Chinese period. Imbalance in the development of table tennishas seriously affected his development.Through literature, expert interviews, video observation andanalysis, comparative analysis, logical analysis, mathematicalstatistics from the regional development of table tennis situation, development status scores were analyzed structural development ofthe status quo, it is easy to see, Competitive table tennis world hasbeen plunged into a state of imbalance in development. China’senduring, competitive downturn in other countries is the currentstatus of the development of competitive imbalance in the world oftable tennis. The results were as follows:1.the table tennis world in the development of inter-regionaltechnology play in the development of the tactical level ofdevelopment and research level imbalance.2.unbalanced development of table tennis in the Olympic Games,World Championships, the Table Tennis World Cup three majorinternational tennis tournament results, as well as table tennisplayers in the world rankings.3.the development of table tennis in organizing structurebetween coaches, athletes, reserve personnel and race imbalances.Analysis of the evolution of the development of table tennisimbalance, which as a whole has experienced six stages ofdevelopment, the emergence of various new technologies play in allstages of development, they can often be the dominant one period;changes in equipment and rules changes can also be about thebeginning and end of a period. The reason this analysis resulting inthe development of competitive imbalance in the world of table tennisas follows:1.the impact of the state system, free institutions nationwidesystem of Chinese and foreign unique top-down bottom-up, the goldmedal strategy and sports culture impact.2.for the winning table tennis understanding of the law, including the competitive elements of table tennis, winning combination ofboth factors, and understanding, technical style of play types andstyles.3. the technical innovation in the world of competitive play in thedevelopment of table tennis imbalances had a huge impact,generating more technical style of play is a great play on the oldtechnology test, some technology is leading the play ping-pong an eraof ball movement.4.table tennis equipment change on the world of table tennis hasa significant impact on the development of competitive imbalance,advanced sports equipment at the start of the game will be high, oftenoccupy a considerable advantage.5.rule changes, including the game with the ball, racket, gametables and athlete participation rules changes affect the developmentof table tennis.6.the impact of research and innovation is also an aspect, whichincludes all countries the number of ping-pong movement research,quality and direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Imbalances, Imbalance causes, Competitive tennis
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