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Factors Influencing Nursing Graduates’ Gerontological Nursing Career Motivation

Posted on:2015-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChengFull Text:PDF
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Objective:To investigate the influencing factors of nursing graduates’gerontological nursing career motivation.Methods:1. Gerontological Nursing Career Motivation questionnaire and Gerontological Nursing Clinical Practice Environment questionnaire were formed on the basis of Expectancy-Value theory and Senses Framework, literature review and consulting the experts. Then the pilot survey and formal survey were implemented and then evaluated their reliability and validity in530nursing graduates.2. A total of1290nursing graduates were investigated with Gerontological Nursing Career Motivation questionnaire, Facts on Aging Quiz I (FAQ I), Geriatrics Attitudes Scale (GAS), Anxiety about Aging (AAS), Gerontological Nursing Clinical Practice Environment questionnaire and self-designed general information questionnaire in a cross-sectional study.Results:1. The reliability and validity of the Gerontological Nursing Career Motivation questionnaire(1) Reliability of the scaleThe Cronbach’s a of Expectancy and Value questionnaire was0.83and0.87, Split-half reliability was0.74and0.78and test-retest reliability was0.70and0.71. The cronbach’s a coefficient of Value questionnaire’4subscales were above0.70, the Spearman-Brown split coefficient in4subscales were above0.60, and the test-retest reliability coefficient in4subscales were above0.60.(2) Validity of the scaleConstruct validity:after confirmative factor analysis, Expectancy and Value questionnaire’fit indexes were considered to be of good suitability with GFI、NFI、 IFI、CFI were all above0.9, RMSEA were0.000and0.054. Estimated reflective loadings of all the items were above0.40.Content validity:the correlations of Expectancy questionnaire’ items with the overall scale were0.67-0.80. The correlations of Value questionnaire’ items with each subscale were0.75-0.83, and correlations of the subscales with the overall scale were0.55-0.90.2. The reliability and validity of Gerontological Nursing Clinical Practice Environment questionnair(1) Reliability of the scaleThe cronbach’s a coefficient of the overall scale was0.93. Except belonging subscale’s cronbach’a was0.67, cronbach’a of other subscales were above0.70. The Spearman-Brown split coefficient of the whole scale was0.89. Except security subscale’s Spearman-Brown split coefficient was0.64, the value of split coefficient in other subscales were above0.70, The test-retest reliability coefficient of the whole scale was0.74and the value of test-retest reliability coefficient in subscales were above0.60.(2) Validity of the scaleConstruct validity:after confirmative factor analysis, fit indexes were considered to be of good suitability with GFI、NFI、IFI、 CFI were all above0.9, RMSEA was0.058. Estimated reflective loadings of all the items were above0.40. Content validity:the correlations of items with each subscale were0.66-0.88, the correlations of the items with the overall scale were0.71-0.89.3. The influencing factors of nursing graduates’ gerontological nursing career motivation(1) Total score of gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy of nursing graduates was (20.11±3.28). The total score of gerontological nursing career motivation-value of nursing graduates was (44.93±6.33) and the entries average of each dimension were interest (3.59±0.02), cost (3.17±0.02), utility (3.08±0.02) and attatinment value (3.08±0.02) in the descending order.(2) Gerontological nursing career motivation of nursing graduates was influenced by the characteristics of social demograph. Students who were lived with older people together at home, had good relationship with elderly, had experience of taking care of older people, whose parents’attitude towards older people were good demonstrated significantly higher expectancy and value in gerontological nursing than those who were not lived with older people together at home, had worse relationship with elderly, had no experience of taking care of older people, whose parents’ attitude towards older people were general. Students who were not the single child and had old people at home reported significantly higher value than those who were the single child and had no old people at home.(3) The score of geriatric attitude was3.54±0.34, which positively correlated with gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy and value (r=0.204, P<0.01; r=0.287, P<0.01). The score of aging anxiety was47.68±4.24, which negetively correlated with gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy and value (r=-0.213, P<0.01; r=-0.212, P<0.01). The score of gerontological nursing clinical practice environment was69.95±10.81, which positively correlated with gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy and value (r=0.376, P<0.01; r=0.334, P<0.01).(4) Multiple regressions were used to analyze the factors that influencing gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy and value of nursing graduates. The influencing factors of gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy sorted by variance were gerontological nursing clinical practice environment (14.0%), anxiety about aging (2.9%), geriatric attitude (1.6%), whether lived with old people together at home (1.2%) and experience of taking care of old people (0.5%), the sum variance was20.2%. The influencing factors of gerontological nursing career motivation-value sorted by variance were gerontological nursing clinical practice environment (11.0%), geriatric attitude (6.2%), whether lived with old people together at home (2.1%), anxiety about aging (1.5%), experience of taking care of old people (0.9%), whether the only child at home (0.5%), and whether had old people at home (0.3%), the sum variance was22.5%.Conclusions:1. The Gerontological Nursing Career Motivation questionnaire and Gerontological Nursing Clinical Practice Environment questionnaire are reliable and valid measurements to assess the gerontological nursing career motivation and gerontological nursing clinical practice environment of nursing graduates.2. The gerontological nursing career motivation of nursing graduates needs to be improved. Nursing educators should develop some intervention measures to help nursing students, especially those who were the single child at home, had no old people at home, had not lived with older people together at home, had worse relationship with elderly, had no experience of taking care of older people, whose parents’attitude towards older people are general, to enhance their gerontological nursing career motivation.3. The influencing factors of gerontological nursing career motivation-expectancy were gerontological nursing clinical practice environment, anxiety about aging, geriatric attitude, whether lived with old people together at home and experience of taking care of old people. The influencing factors of gerontological nursing career motivation-value were gerontological nursing clinical practice environment, geriatric attitude, whether lived with old people together at home, anxiety about aging, experience of taking care of old people, whether the only child at home and whether had old people at home. Nursing educators should develop some interventions to help nursing students to enhance their gerontological nursing career motivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gerontological nursing, Graduate, Career Motivation, AgeingKnowledge, Aging Anxiety, Geriatric Attitude, Clinical Practice Environment
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