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Revise And Application Of Chinese Version Of Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision And Nurse Teacher Evaluation Scale In Nursing Students

Posted on:2016-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:1.The aim of this study was to translate and develop the Chinese version of Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher evaluation scale(CLES+T) and to test its reliability and validity, so that to provide a scientific and effective tool for assessing the quality of nursing students’ clinical learning environment and improving the quality of clinical teaching further;2.The compiled version was used to explore nursing students’ assessment of their clinical learning environment to analyze potential problems in clinical practice teaching and management.Methods:1.The original version of the(CLES+T) was translated into Chinese from the English version, back translated and culturally modified. The item analysis and factor analysis were performed to test the discrimination of items and structure validity;2.Data was collected from 313 nursing students from 4 grade A class III- hospital by means of a Chinese version of the questionnaire, Clinical Learning Environment,Supervision and Nurse Teacher(CLES+T) evaluation scale. The processing and statistical analysis of empirical data was performed using the software package SPSS 19.0 for Windows, with the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. And the level of statistical significance was set at ɑ<0.05.Results:1.The(CLES+T) has 5 fators and 38 items. ①Results showed a Cronbach’s alpha of0.932 of the scale and ranging from 0.669 to 0.853 among factors; The test-retest correlation and split-half reliability were 0.922 and 0.886; ②The content validity ratio(CVR) for overall scale was 0.96. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the fitting index were all in acceptable leve;2.①The mean value of the scale was(4.00±0.49), And mean values between the sub-dimensions varied between 3.67 and 4.18. The highest mean value was in the sub-dimension Supervisory relationships(4.18±0.58). And the sub-dimension Pedagogical atmosphere on the ward achieved the lowest scores(3.67±0.67). ②There were significant differences in the total score among nursing students who were different in the relationship with parents, the willingness to engage in nursing, occurrence of supervision and occupational title of supervisor. ③Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the main influence factors of clinical learning environment were the relationship with parents,occurrence of supervision and occupational title of supervisor, in that order.Conclusion:1.The Chinese version of the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher evaluation scale has good validity and reliability. It can be used as a valid tool for the measurement of nursing students’ clinical learning environment in Chinese cultural background;2.The students in general had positive experiences of the clinical learning environment in these respects,and the important factors that affect nursing students’ assessment of their clinical learning environment were the relationship with parents,occurrence of supervision and occupational title of supervisor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher evaluation scale, Clinical placement, nursing students
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