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Adjustment And Forecast Of Regional Industrial Structure

Posted on:2015-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330431469331Subject:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The industrial structure which indicates the proportion of production factors in all industriesand the mutual independence among them is a fundamental aspect of national economic structure.A reasonable industrial structure will promote the development of the regional economy, on thecontrary, an unreasonable industrial structure will not only hinder the development of economy,but also poses a great impact to the environmental quality. With the development of economyand society, the living standard has been improved, high pollution industries in the secondindustry are bound to be replaced by technology-intensive and environmentally friendlyindustries in the third industry. Industrial structure affects the speed and growth mode ofeconomy as well as the employment situation, so it is necessary to conduct the thorough researchto the industrial structure of a region. The logistics industry as an important part of the thirdindustry is playing a more and more important role to economic development. In this paper, theanalysis for industrial structure and logistics of Weihai City in Shandong Province is as follows:The first chapter introduces the division of three industries, tools used in the analysis, the basicmethods and main results of this article.In the second chapter the analysis and forecasting of the industrial structure of Weihai City ispresented. Firstly, we carry on the quantitative analysis of the evolution situation of Weihai’sindustrial structure. Then we find the existing problems by calculating the industrial structureentropy, industrial expansion flexibility, industry employment deviation. At last grey predictionmethod is used to predict the output of every industry in Weihai City. Currently, the favorableopportunity of both at home and abroad need to be grasped. Based on this, reasonable proposals,in order to promote Weihai’s long-term stable and rapid economic development as well as socialharmony, are put forward. Weihai City also has to adjust its industrial structure, improve thelevel of agricultural modernization and energy-saving industries.In the third chapter, we focus on the potential industry-logistics. SWOT analysis method isused to analyze advantages, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of Weihai’s logistics,and then suggestions are put forward. The logistics development mode of Weihai should bechanged. In order to develop effective basis for further economic policy, green andtechnology-intensive logistics have to be developed. What’s more, small and medium-sizedenterprises should cooperate and share information resources to make Weihai’s logistics industrybigger and stronger.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial structure, Entropy, Industrial expansion flexibility, Grey prediction, Logistics industry
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