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From Notification To Communication

Posted on:2016-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461498407Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of communication, analyzing motivation and tendency of the development the visual identity design and design present situation, discussed design of visual symbols in the form of a variety of possibilities, and summarizes a series of system theory, in order to the future of visual identity system design of enlightening significance. The first chapter puts forward the concept of dynamic logo, from the way of information dissemination and the development of history in the visual identity system design, define the dynamic visual identity concept. The second chapter, the dynamics of visual identification systematic trend can be divided into three parts:first, to the needs of human nature as the starting point for the development of internal cause, from the social group needs and personal psychological need, to explain the necessity of dynamic visual communication; Second, based on the mentality of designing and the advancement of media technology, the dynamic evolution of visual identity system have the necessary hardware support; Third, from the perspective of market environment and the public aesthetic analysis, summarized the dynamic visual identification system communication external environment demand. The third chapter through to the current case collection, and made a comparative analysis of traditional static visual identification system, the dynamic visual identification system’s personality summarized as:1. Time dimension; 2. Complicated narrative; 3. Systematic strengthened; 4. Increase the communication link with the interactivity. Combined with the dynamic communication factors analyzed the presentation of visual recognition system, to expand its design methods and the characterization of the induction. The fourth chapter from two aspects of application method and the design thinking, to explore a variety of media under the condition of rich visual recognition system design language, and the dynamic visual information communication is becoming more complete.
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual identity, system, Dynamic image, Interaction design
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