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Nanjing National Government Period Civil Service Pension System Analysis

Posted on:2014-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330425980091Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nanjing national government period civil service pension system is learningadvanced western civil service pension system, inheritance of Chinese ancientpension thought, and after nanjing temporary government period and the northernwarlords reign establishment and development of established on the basis of. It wasChina’s special environment, formed a unique Chinese characteristics of the civilservice pension system. This article mainly discussed from five parts:The first part is introduction, mainly explain "civilian" and "civil servant" thesetwo concepts, show civil service pension legislation in the period of the republic ofthe historical process of nanjing national government period, express civil servicepension system in the period of the republic of historic position, this article describesthe present situation of research, the research ideas and innovation place.The second part, this paper introduces the nanjing national government periodcivil service pension system history overview. This part mainly from two aspectscarries on the elaboration, the first aspect is the nanjing national government periodcivil service pension system on the Chinese traditional pension thought inheritance,the second aspect is the nanjing national government period civil service pensionsystem on advanced western civil service pension system study. The third aspect isintroduced the nanjing national government of the republic of before the civil servicepension system in China’s evolution, mainly is two times, one is the nanjingprovisional government period, and the second is the Beijing government period.The third part, mainly introduced the nanjing national government period of thecivil service pension system content. Nanjing national government in1927to1937,established more than ten pension laws and regulations, this article mainly introducedthe more important of the two laws, the official XuJin ordinance and the civil servantsXuJin ordinance.The fourth part, mainly introduced the nanjing national government period of thecivil service pension system the implementation effect. This part is divided into two aspects carries on the elaboration, one is the nanjing national government period civilservice pension system of the implementation of the legal basis, the second is nanjingnational government period civil service pension system specific implementation.The fifth part is the nanjing national government period of the civil servicepension system to system analysis and evaluation. The brief analysis of this part ofthe nanjing national government period of the civil service pension systemcharacteristics, the achievements and limitations, in this analysis put forward somesolution on the basis of nanjing national government period civil service pensionsystem limitations countermeasures.This paper focuses on the nanjing national government period civil servicepension system is introduced, the historical development of time and clues from innerto outer in point of view, multilayer analysis. In the process of writing, the collectedmany data form and the documents, attempt to specific content on the foundation ofanalysis, and then carry on the analysis, the theoretical data and practical effectcombined, point to an area, from the general to the specific, combine theory withpractice method, to show and analysis the nanjing national government period civilservice pension system and related effects...
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanjing national government period, Civil service, Pension, Effect
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