In today’s world, election is the core of democracy and also is the basic politicalactivity. In democratic society, election is the basis of legality for taking politicalregime. Voter can communicate with political party and its candidates through regularopen election. Election result is depended on voter’s ballot. Election result of voter canaffect continuance and change of political regime. Therefore, all the elements that cantake influence on final election decision of voter become study and concerning focusfor political scientists. Studying and knowing influence element of voter’s election isvery important topic of election and political study.Appearance of Taiwan election marketing was due to breed of its political andsocial environment. On the surface, it is the fierce competition scene of Taiwanelection and one way for candidate and its team to win election. However, in specificenvironment, it can affect voter’s election and election result partly. As one electionmarketing way, election convention activity can attract voter, make candidate tocommunicate with voter directly and gain some election support through affectingvoter’s decision by information dissemination and influence effect of voter and newsmedia. Election marketing may become technical operation of regime transition.Understanding the nature of election marketing can understand method, means,strategy and its potential result used by political party or candidate to mobilize andaffect voter during election better and also can be one theoretical reference sample andframe for observing Taiwan election mobilization activity.This article discusses the following items:First, what are the environment conditions for appearance of election marketing.Second, how election marketing affects voter’s voting. Third, the influence of voter’svoting by election marketing. Fourth, influence of future Taiwan democratic politicaldevelopment by election marketing. The object is the election marketing momentumduring Taiwan general election. Propose assumption for above four items and verifyassumption on the basis of data which is collected from documentation andquestionnaireThis article come to conclusion as followed:1.Appearance and development of Taiwan election marketing have connectionwith change of times and environments, such as resources of election campaign,development of politics and economy, media development, background of voter, cross-straits relation and so on.2. Election affect voter by the first communication which happens in momentumactivity and the second communication of interpersonal mobilization and media reportsfor supporters of voter at site.3.8.09%of Taiwan voters think that they will be affected for their voting byelection marketing.4.89%of Taiwan voters think that they may be affected for theirvoting by election marketing. Election marketing can affect percentage of votes ofcandidate at about±2-5%.4. Although there is about20%of voter in Taiwan who think election marketingwill affect election, comparing with other influence elements of election, the influenceof the election marketing is smallest one. The election marketing can take influence onvoters at mental feelings. It cannot affect the voting decision of voter in essence.5. The election marketing cannot change the election tendency of voter who hastheir own candidate. However, it will make30%of voters to accept electionmobilization. For voter who does not have candidate or who does not decide whetherto vote or not, it can make20%of voter to make decision to vote and make5%ofvoter to accept election mobilization. Voters of pan-green coalition think electionmarketing can affect their voting more than voters of pan-blue coalition. Swing votersaccount70%of Taiwan voters.7%of swing voters think that their voting will beaffected by election marketing. Election marketing has positive and negative enhanceon Taiwan democratic and political development. |