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Study On The Moral Education Value Of Marxism Theory Of Human Science

Posted on:2015-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330434452329Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moral education which is a kind of ideologic education of “self-cultivation” havealready been prominent domain of problem because of its objects of teaching—thespecificity of human. The in-depth philosophic analysis of human,presented in Marx’sthoughts of human studies,shows philosophic basis of moral education for us,and laythe new theoretical foundation for moral education,and therefore make it have valueorientation towards philosophy demands.Analyzing of human nature in human theory of Marxism embody sociality ofindividual existence in moral education,which expressed in three levels:human socialnature,class nature and diachronism of human nature. Individual social naturedetermined dimension of socialization.Only when integrating into social relations andinternalizing moral standards as behavior concept can man achieve his social natureand become a true man.human nature complexity determined that moral educationhave explicit social value orientation. Moral education cultivate specific valueposition which specific society needs.human nature diachronism determines moraleducation that brander with times,and moral education contents need changes withtimes,thereupon methods for moral education become to turn,otherwise moraleducation will lose its effectiveness.Viewpoint of practice is starting point at which human theory of Marxismsurpass previous human exist,generates,and develops in practice.moraleducation.Moral education is social practice activity which model person’ssubjectivity and intersubjectivity,and promote person’s comprehensive development.Human practical nature regulate that moral education keep constantly cultivatingperson with practical conscious and ability, keep surpassing real world,and achieveall-round development. So combination Moral education with practice should takeplace, methods for moral education turn to practice:First,moral education combinewith social real circumstance,and cultivate socialist citizens with the purport ofsocialist core value;second, turning toward practice means giving high priority toguiding,dialoguing based on equality,striving for emotional resonance and moral experience,therefore effectiveness of moral education is promoted;Finally,turningtoward universality come true by forming a cohesive force and carrying out wholeorientation and whole process of moral education.Needs as humanity is logical starting point of apprehending human activity andhuman history.Because of man’s needs,for which human are engaged in all practicalactivities for their needs,and which is impetus and source,society have come intobeing for their needs.Marx’s human science reveals that all individual’s free and all-rounddevelopment,which is highest goal people pursue,is scientific ideal available toachieve. Promoting man’s free and all-round development is the goal that moraleducation could stick to and should stick to,which is goal and final destination ofmoral education.We should understand that,practical socialism with chinesecharacteristic at present age insist on dominant orientation of promoting man’s freeand all-round development.Moral education should thus treat promoting man’s freeand all-round development as highest and ultimate destination of value pursuit.
Keywords/Search Tags:human theory of Marxism, moral education, human nature, practice, free and all-around development
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