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The Protection And Promotion Functions Of The Government To The Regional Public Brand Of The Agricultural Product

Posted on:2015-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X BianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330464455731Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Brand protection of agricultural products and construction is related to the government, agricultural enterprises, farmers and other body systems engineering, where, and how to play to the functions of the government decision significance for the protection and construction of agricultural products brand.This article is an empirical study on the functions of the government in the brand protection of agricultural products and construction, through case studies, investigation of the functions of the government in the particular context and the specific environment of the special functions of the government in the brand protection of agricultural products and construction process carry out empirical analysis, a preliminary study of the system of government functions in the brand protection of agricultural products and construction process, and will contribute to the enrichment and development of the theory of government functions. Brands of agricultural products, and construction is an important work in the process of agricultural industrialization in China, the functions of the government throughout the whole process of the brand protection of agricultural products and construction. In recent years, the Government has undertaken to protect the West Lake Longjing brand a lot of work, declare the West Lake Longjing tea trademark legal protection; carry out the Tea Garden, enhance the quality of tea; increasing government spending, develop hand-fried tea talent. Perform market regulation, public services, organization planning, system protection, and many other government functions. However, there are still some problems, such as the unclear division of labor between the government departments, functioning not in place. Case analysis of this paper will help to some extent the relevant departments to clarify the functions of the government, so as to promote the brand protection of agricultural products and construction work.This article take the case analysis, document analysis, interviews, introducing the brief history of the West Lake Longjing tea, and analyzed on the basis of the problems encountered in the development as well as the Government to promote brand protection and construction practices and the effectiveness of, the West Lake Longjing tea brand protection and construction of the Government to fulfill the five main functions, organizational planning functions, system supply functions, market regulatory functions, public service functions, functions of financial support, draw several experiences, including the coordination of the government to effectively manage the condition, the lawful discharge of duties is the orderly management of the premise of the government, public participation is the basis of the democratic management of the Government. The theory of government functions, the paper focuses on the inadequate public services, inadequate market supervision system construction is less than dereliction of duty phenomenon, and caused the government dereliction of the government in the protection and construction of the West Lake Longjing tea brand, presented the perfect brand protection of agricultural products and construction countermeasure of government functions. First, we must strengthen the standardization of agricultural products, improve and perfect service system brand; Second, we must organize training produce brand-building knowledge; Third, we should increase financial input for agricultural brand building, increase efforts to support agricultural enterprises; Fourth, we need to support leading enterprises to explore international markets, and expand the impact of China’s brand of agricultural products. The innovation of this paper is to brand protection of agricultural products and construction as the entry point for the study of government functions, combined with the experience of the fact that the West Lake Longjing tea brand protection, research in this specific field domain of agricultural products brand protection and construction of special government functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brand Protection, Government Functions, Public Service, West Lake Longjing Tea
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