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Study On Government Function Of Jilin Rice Brand Construction

Posted on:2021-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330632950508Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the development of agricultural supply-side reforms,the regional public brands of agricultural products in my country have developed steadily,and their role in "building a brand,invigorating an industry,and enriching farmers" has been effectively demonstrated.Empowering the development of the agricultural industry through branding is an effective means to promote the increase in the volume and price of agricultural products,the optimization of the agricultural production structure,increase the income level of farmers,and fight poverty.Jilin is a major grain province,an important national commodity grain base,and a core area for high-quality japonica rice production,which has created a good reputation for "Jilin Rice".However,the annual output of rice accounts for 24% of the four northeastern provinces and regions,but the sales revenue only accounts for 18%.Jilin rice does not get the sales and selling price matched with it because of its delicious taste and excellent quality.Due to the public goods attributes of regional public brands,the construction of regional public brands faces serious free-riding problems.Enterprises in the province are small and mixed,and brands are scattered and chaotic.This leads to disordered internal competition,difficulty in forming standardized production scales,poor product quality and safety,and sales.It is difficult to make a premium on the low end.In order to avoid the occurrence of the "tragedy of the commons",a visible hand of the government is urgently needed to solve market failures.In July 2015,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jilin for inspection and inspection,and made an important instruction that "the food should also be branded,so that the benefits are good and the price is good".In December 2015,the Grain and Material Reserve Bureau of Jilin Province issued the "Jilin Rice" brand building blue book,proposing the "Five Ones" project to guide the brand building system.Thepublicity of the regional brand of agricultural products determines that its development needs to cooperate with government departments,industry associations,enterprises,farmers and other subjects to participate in the construction.In particular,the government as a public subject needs to play a leading role in the process of agricultural regional brand building.Therefore,relying on the unique resource endowment of Jilin Province,building a regional public brand of high-quality agricultural products led by "Jilin Rice" is very important for improving agricultural production capacity,enhancing agricultural competitiveness,increasing farmers' income,and developing agricultural industrialization.significance.This article will take the "Jilin Rice" brand building in the public area as an entry point,through case studies and field investigations,using participatory observation and unstructured interview methods,based on a full understanding of the "Jilin Rice" brand building situation,through analysis of the current " In the process of "Jilin Rice" brand building,the government functions in the process of in-depth analysis of its restrictive factors,breaking through the inherent model,grasping key issues,combining actual conditions,innovating the brand building model according to local conditions,and improving the government functions in the brand building of "Jilin Rice".This article points out the deficiencies in the regional branding of agricultural products in Jilin Province at this stage and puts forward suggestions,aiming to further promote the building of regional agricultural products,and to control the "free-riding" production behavior of regional public brands of agricultural products to ensure the continued health of regional public brands Development has certain practical guiding significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jilin rice, brand building, regional public brand of agricultural products, government functions
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