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Game Among The Major Powers In Central Asia Fromthe Perspective Of The Silk Road Economic Belt

Posted on:2016-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330479475564Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Central Asia history due to various reasons became the focus of competition among big countries, staged a big game among the Major Powers to seek their own interests. British Geopolitician Machinder had the Central Asia and its nearby areas identified as international politics "hub" zone, and develops the famous land power theory. As early as in nineteenth Century, Russia and Britain in Central Asia to launch a "big game", the result directly affect to the later the Afghan border. During the cold war, with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Central Asia, the "great game" in the United States and the Soviet Union between the expanded again, until the Soviet Union failed and ended with the disintegration of. After the cold war, the international situation has changed fundamentally, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Chinese rise, U.S.- Soviet confrontation pattern has ceased to exist, however, as Brzezinski predicted in the "big game" in that way, China US Russia is still a major player on the world stage. Central Asia is located in between Europe and Asia, the Middle East and South Asia crossroads, rich natural resources, the relationship between ethnic and religious complex, position in the Eurasian geopolitical pattern is very important, has an important geopolitical interests for the country. The first is the rich energy reserves in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea region; followed by Russia, beauty, China and India, the EU attaches great importance to the region; again is the Afghan problem, the problem is regarded as drugs and terrorism exists to neighbors and other countries of the world to the potential threat of root. All these factors contributed to global competition situation in Central Asia after the cold war. After the cold war strategy game of great powers also was particularly outstanding.In recent years, great powers have this put forward the strategic idea of their own. Power refers to Russia, USA, Chinese etc, also including the EU, Japan, India, Turkey and other countries. This paper analyzes the country’s Central Asian strategy, think with Chinese "Silk Road Economic Belt" launch and continue to progress in the situation in Central Asia, the future will be more complex, power around the game in the region will be more intense. Through the comparison USA "New Silk Road" strategy, Russia’s "Eurasian union", Chinese "Silk Road Economic Belt" strategy, Japan’s "Silk Road diplomacy" plan, the EU’s "New Silk Road strategy" and the Russian Indian soil "North South Corridor plan", the future of the Sino Russian the Three Kingdoms is the main player powers in Central Asia game, it has to compete for the strategic central asia. Three strategies have different strengths and weaknesses, its development orientation and degree are different. The three strategy in Central Asia although there is competition, but because of various factors, the current outbreak of confrontation will not directly. With the development of the three strategic, competitive of Geopolitics in Central Asia have enhanced the trend, but in the economic practice, it may appear to cross the fusion more. At the same time, the Central Asian countries to great power mentality is not the same, their position has a direct impact on the country’s strategy to promote. Central Asia and its future uncertain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Central Asia, The Silk Road Economic Belt, Game among the Major Powers
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