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Research On The Local Legislation Of Environmental Education In China

Posted on:2017-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X YuanFull Text:PDF
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As a largest developing country, China has achieved fast economic growth. However, the deteriorating environmental problems let us know that we need to raise environmental awareness constantly to protect the environment better.Raising environmental awareness needs education—environmental education, and legislation is the best insurance form. That is to say, we need legislation of environmental education, namely, the legislation of environmental education is necessary. The practice of environmental education in educational field makes legislation of environmental education feasible. The demand of reality and Legislation Law grant local government legislative authority, which help many places publish legislation of environmental education. The legislation of environmental education of China begins from the local level and ends in the national level. From 2011, Taiwan published specialized legislation of environmental education at the earliest, Ningxia, Tianjin, Luoyang have published legislation of environmental education afterwards. Local legislation of environmental education has its own characteristics, such as the funding system of environmental education in Taiwan, the environmental education of school and society in Ningxia, the civil servant training system of environmental education in Tianjin, free training system of environmental education in Luoyang, environmental information release system in Harbin and so on. However, various local legislation of environmental education has many shortcomings. Such as the disunity of the concept of environmental education, the unreasonable setup of environmental educational institution, the defect of security system of environmental education, the undefined legal liability and so on. As a result, we need to unify the concept of environmental education, improve the monitoring mechanism of environmental education, improve the security system and clear the administrative responsibility of environmental education. The final resolution is to publish environmental education law, and learn from available literature information to provide suggestions to local legislation of environmental education.
Keywords/Search Tags:environmental education, foundation of environmental education, lesson period
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