In recent years,province managing county revolution which including the connection adjustment between provincial, municipal and the county government is vital to the innovation of Chinese local governance. As an important proposal in the 18 th people’s congress, the deepening of administrative reform proposed to establish an administrative system with Chinese characteristic. With its excessive office levels and complicated structure,there are numerous problems that are easy to be produced such as too expensive administrative cost,low efficiency, difficulties in supervision and the transformation of government function. By means of Self adjustment and optimization and the theory of flat management on government levels,it is expected to advance the Structural adjustment and optimization,and hence to establish a harmonious society.Conducting the province managing county revolution in Henan is a significant measure to be in accordance with the Central Government policy, accomplish the strategic plan of county administration, and advance the administrative system reform in Henan. As a major pilot province in China, we should record and appraise the accomplishment of the province managing county revolution and draw conclusion from the revolution experience. At the same time, Hennan is leading the other cities on this revolution. But if we ignore the fact that most counties in China is not advanced in economy, imposing the province managing county revolution can not be successful. On the opposite, we should analysis the efficient of each county and positively resolve the problems.The study background, significance, and the method of province managing county revolution in Henan province are introduced in the first part of this paper; the starting and implement of the province managing county revolution are introduced in the second part of this paper; in the third part, the accomplishment of the province managing county revolution is under analysis, and a revolutionary appraise standards is established in this part, which including administrative efficiency, economic and social performance; in the fourth part, the social issues presented in the procedure of the province managing county revolution is discussed which including issues of system, policy and laws and regulation; in the fifth part, research on the path of reform and development by drawing conclusion and analysis of the current issues is conducted.In the study of province managing county revolution in Henan province, method of reference analysis, cases analysis and comparison analysis are mainly applied in the research. The specific developing situation of the province managing county revolution is taken by research to the relative documents and materials as well as by the current digital material and academic accomplishment. The analysis to the procedure is mainly borrowed from the evolution of the administration levels in Henan province, and we generally find the weakness in the the province managing county revolution in current society. Among the present pilot counties in this revolution, by efficiency analysis to them, we should discuss the feasibility of province managing county revolution in our province dialectically. In this way, can we respond to the academic view that some county should defer the revolution temporarily according to their undeveloped economy. |