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The Relationship Among The Population Structure,Endowment Insurance And Savings

Posted on:2015-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S LuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the lower birth rate brought by the economic reform and theextension of average life expectancy cause the population structure changing in China.Along with the change of population structure, the disadvantages of endowmentinsurance system also gradually appear, which makes the elderly cannot rely onretirement pension insurance, and savings is bound to guard against risks. Higherhousehold savings is a special phenomenon in China’s economy, which makes us linkthis phenomenon with the population structure and the endowment insurance. The twoin the influence of economic growth at the same time should also be one of thereasons that affect residents’ savings, but what is the relationship between them, whichis worth us to study.This paper states the population structure affect savings theory and endowmentinsurance savings theory respectively. On this basis, the influence mechanism wasanalyzed. Secondly, it research to the current development situation of populationstructure, pension insurance, and laid the foundation for the following empirical part.In the empirical analysis, it uses a panel data model and select30provinces and citiesof the country. Catch12years of data from2001to2012. The first panel data analysisfound that endowment insurance spending data fitting effect is not significant, thiswill mislead the impact, so next analyze is needed. In constructing the model of threedifferent comparative analysis, it found that, when there is no account of endowmentinsurance factors, only population age structure on the impact of savings, theinfluence of children’s upbringing to savings is positive,, and the elderly is negative.When considering endowment insurance factor, the direction of the impact ischanging, it shows that the current endowment insurance system is not perfect. Inaddition, an aging population and level of endowment insurance shows thecharacteristics of regional development, thus the study based were studied. Finally theimproving of the endowment insurance system and the structure of the populationpolicy were put forward, which make endowment insurance system to complete thebasic function and play the role of the fuel economic growth better.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Population Structure, Pension Insurance, Household Saving, Over Lapping Generations Model, Fixed Effects Model
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