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Comparative Study On Compulsory Education History Curriculum Standard Of The2001and The2011Edition

Posted on:2015-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431474520Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The2011witnessed the publication of compulsory education historycurriculum standard set by education ministry of Chinese People’s Republicof China (edition of2011). This edition was based on Full-time compulsoryeducation history curriculum standard, then going through the stringentdiscuss and research for several times, finally came out to be a comparativelyperfect edition. This edition has broadly absorbed the knowhow andexperience from the reformation of compulsory education curriculum for over10years. Establishment of this edition aims for future, meets the need ofsocial demand, coincides with the basic designation of national educationprograms. All in all, this edition comprehensively practices the basic formulaand policy of national education.Compared with the former edition of full-time compulsory educationhistory curriculum standard published in2001, this later edition, compulsoryeducation history curriculum standard published in2011, varied a lot in someaspect. This thesis mainly focuses on the analysis of the difference betweenthe former one and the later one in order to sum up the new notion and trait ofthe later edition, and learn the education thought and policy from these newchanges. With this, the history teachers can grasp and understand thecurriculum standard, to achieve the education goal.This thesis is consisted of four parts.In the first part, it mainly focuses on the analysis of the introduction oftwo editions, to the further step, the comparativeness of concrete change ofthe quality and basic policy provides the ground to expound the changed parts.The later edition brings out the view that the history curriculum has thequality of thought-provoking, basis, humanity and comprehensibility. Basicnotion of curriculum must be concise and new-fetching. The design thought of the curriculum chronically presents the content with method of combingpoint with line. The aim of doing this is to make the developing line moreclear.In the second part, author expounds the over whole aim of historycurriculum. The later edition follows the existed three dimension dividend.The elusive and entire expression make the content more easily be understoodin the concrete objects.In the third part, author devotes attention to the content includingChinese ancient history, world ancient history, Chinese temporary history,Chinese modern history, such as six subjects. And the author presents theabridged content and added content, and brings out novice idea about thechanged content.In the forth part, the biggest alteration of this edition is omission of largenumber of cases in order to leave enough space for students and teacher toapply their innovation.This edition plays an outline role to mange the overall situation, whichinstructing the history education in every direction. Only the insight grasp andactual understand of this edition can deepen the educational reformation andthoroughly promote the education.Combing through the edition, the author brings out her own thought onthe numerous changes, and hope to help the history researcher and teacher intheir career.
Keywords/Search Tags:history curriculum, curriculum standard, comparison
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