Mathematic learning is the process for students to construct knowledge anddevelop mathematical thinking actively. Most of mathematical objects is abstract,logical and generalize,such as mathematical concept,theorem.Thus mathematicalstudy ask students to pay more attention and keep high conscient during mathematicalproblem solving activities.On this occasion self-monitoring will play an importantpart during the process. Besides many researches show that self-monitoring is one ofthe most impact factors of mathematical problem solving abilities.So self-monitoringinstruction is of great importance in mathematical problem solving activities.This study will combine qualitative and quantitative research.On the one hand Iwill make a survey about the self-monitoring level of the middle school students.Onthe other hand this study will give some teaching suggestions to enhance students’self-monitoring ability.The study consists of three parts.Firstly, through reading lots of literature I got that many researches had done a lotof work on self-monitoring’s definition, classification,characteristics and value. Thestudies are of great value,and they give me numerous guidance and let me go further.Secondly,through the questionnaire survey and data analysis to know monitoringpresent situation in middle school students’ mathematical problem solving, and thecorresponding conclusions.(1) The student mathematics self-monitoring level locatedabove average. The highest level is monitoring strategy, then is plan strategy,evaluation strategy is the last.(2) Although girls’ mathematics self-monitoring isslightly lower than average boys’ mathematics self-monitoring level, but theself-monitoring level there is no significant gender differences.(3) Mathematicsself-monitoring ability and its various dimensions exist significant difference betweengrade.(4) Mathematics result there is significant correlation with mathematicsself-monitoring ability, the more good students own stronger self-monitoring abilitythan others.Last but not the least,one of the most goals in this study is to find the way tocultivate students’ self-monitoring ability. Teachers need to know the meaning ofself-monitoring and significance, provide self-monitoring strategy method, maintain and promote the self-monitoring strategy migration during self-monitoring teaching. |