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Influence Teenagers In Hebei Province Women’s Football Reserve Personnel Training Present Situation And Influence Factors Analysis

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461471657Subject:Physical Education Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the analysis of factors influencing the teenage women’s football reserve talent cultivation in Hebei province as the research object, USES the literature material law, questionnaire investigation, logical analysis and mathematical statistics four research methods to study of this thesis, the following conclusions:1.Teenage women’s football coaches in hebei province gender distribution structure is unreasonable, fewer women coaches. Age structure more reasonable distribution, mainly middle-aged and young, in charge of fixed number of year relatively long, coaching experience is more rich. Coaching level mainly C grade, teaching level is relatively low, remains to be further improved.2.Teenage women’s football coaches in hebei province sports level is not high, which are mainly composed of the secondary and tertiary athletes athletes. Athletic experience major professional and amateur. Through the level is not high, degree structure, further optimization and adjustment of scientific research level. Scientific research ability to research influence factors mainly include the lack of time, school leaders, not value and their own lack of scientific research ability.3.Teenagers in Hebei province women’s football coaches have close to half of the coaches without the experience of professional education and training, and the number of training is relatively small, is not optimistic. Short-term football training plan is optional.4. Most teens surveyed in hebei province women’s football athletes are more love for football, to participate in football training enthusiasm is higher. Football players on an average day of training time is relatively abundant, training motivation including into the professional leagues, entrance requirements and personal hobby.5.Teenagers in Hebei province women’s football athlete’s training content mainly technical training and physical training, the training content is relatively single. Some youngsters women football players training effect did not achieve the desired training goal.6. Young women’s football athlete training in Hebei province have bigger influence on the academic, learn the contradictions. Most young women football players in football level is not high.7. Teenage women’s football reserve talent cultivation in hebei province were the major influencing factors of coaches, athletes and site facilities and other factors.8. Less attention to the women’s football reserve talent, there is a football field. Influence of soccer athlete’s normal training, sports schools in hebei province juvenile football sports training facilities is relatively scarce, cannot satisfy the basic training requirements, affect the quality of the young women’s football athlete’s training, to the cultivation of teenagers in hebei province women’s football sports reserve talented person is adverse.9. The team number is less, football population affecting the basis of hebei women’s football athlete reserve talented person raise. Each low Numbers of women’s football team, limiting the organization and to participate in training and competition.10. Every place of the women’s one year there are fewer grant funding. But the football training and competition of expenses is larger, the current one of the factors affecting women’s football reserve talent cultivation in hebei province, is the insufficient funds clear. The largely limited in hebei province women’s football reserve talented person raise.11. Now in hebei province women’s football coach education and teaching practiced for low grade, there is a certain lack in the professional quality, due to the lack of professional quality and leadership to the scientific research ability of the coaches enough emphasis, plus the number of coaches every year to participate in education and training is also very shortage, improve the ability of athletes is a big obstacle, will arrange for training the science rationality has certain influence, will affect athlete’s ability to ascend.12. Teenagers in hebei province women’s football coaches in the learning and training process of the past, and ignored the study of cultural knowledge, and result in its cultural foundation is bad, affect the improvement of their comprehensive qualities, but also harmful to women’s football reserve talent cultivation.13. Football coaches larger randomness exists in the short-term training plans, neglected the young women’s football athlete’s physical and mental development characteristics, combined with the teaching level is not high, these will be for teenagers in hebei province women’s football is unfavorable influence the cultivation of reserve talented person.14. Some athletes participating motivation is not correct, utilitarianism is too strong, is not conducive to the long-term development of the school football team. Teenagers because of various objective factors lead to attend training enthusiasm is not high, is the main factors influencing the players ability to ascend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hebei, province, Teenagers, Women’s reserve football talents, To cultivate
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