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Study On The Relation Of Association Of Socail Work, Socail Work Organization And Government

Posted on:2016-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461966926Subject:Social work theory and method
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent yea rs, the social work services purchased by t he government have developed quite well in China, changed the single social servi ce mo de that t he g ov ernment was the main bearing body, into that of government combined Asso ciation Of So cial Work and p ro fessio nal so cial work organizations to promot e the development of social services by b uying services. It is particul arly important to establish a healthy and scien tifi c development mode of so cial work to accelerate the dev elopment of social work orderly,gradually deep ening the reform of g ov ernment, promoting the civil organ iza tions to pa rticipate in social construction, which is conducive to imp rove the system of government p urchase of so cial work services. It is also helpful to build a development pl atform for professional social work institutions by regulating rel ated be haviors of the social work, which reflects professional spirit and abil ity of social work, and provide better soci al services to the public.The writer bui lds the relation of Association Of Social Work, p ro fessio nal social work o rganizations and government, from the perspective of social work. It is different from the case analysis that began with items and research ideas of, function explorations, whose object is p ractice mission, by studying the position in the de velopmental mode and its responsibility of Associat ion Of Social Work, professional so cia l work organ izations and government, an d by contrasting t he pre do mina nce and deficiency between one and another, analyzi ng what have promo ted or hindere d social work and science development.According to the results, the writ er puts fo rward to co nst ru cti on ideas that optimize the mo de of existing so cia l work developmen t, provide constructive th ou ghts for the development of social work in reality.In th e existing so cia l work development mode, co op eration and competition relations of Associations Of Social Work, professional social work organizations and govern ment, are main forms of expression. In the healthy and scientific development mod e, the three p arties present a be nign re lation of c ooperat ion and competition, which promo tes the orderly deve lopment of social work. B ut in so me cases, the model of so cia l work development woul d lead to dissimi lati on that would bring collusio n and vicious compe tit ion amon g the t hree parti es, an d influence the direct ion of the d evelo pme nt of social wo rk. Therefore, it would be unable to reflect the so cia l work value, and affect speciality o f social wo rk and so on.Through t he comparative an alysis between the two re lat ions, combined with the exist ing results, the write r thin ks that there is a close rel ati on ship betwee n the resu lts of development models of social work and social work associati ons, professio nal social work organizations and government, and the clear role-po sitionin g of three p arti es and responsibil ity shoulde red in place. Clear positio ning of so cia l work development model can effectively promote th e g eneration of good three-way i ntera cti on, guide industri es to develop in the direction of good relations of cooperatio n and compe tit ion. Parties hold tightly responsible so cial work developmen t mod e that can effectively curb conspiracy, vicious competition a nd others, and prevent alienation of social work profession.
Keywords/Search Tags:association of social work, social work organization, government, c ooperat ion development
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