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Study On Educational Administration Websites Of Educational Decentralized Countries

Posted on:2016-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461975677Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the issue of "The CPC’s Decision on the Education System Reform" in 1985, educational administration, especially the basic educational administration system, has been transforming to the direction of local responsibility and multi-level management. However, until the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, the educational administration system of China was still in a high level of centralization. According to "The CPC’s Decision on Several Major Issues of All Round Deepening Reform" from the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee, the National Education Conference raises the new requirements about the educational administration reform:transform the government functions, enhance the separation of management, implementation and evaluation, form the structure with government’s macro management, School’s autonomy and whole society’s participation. This educational administration reform has presented the most explicit decentralization trend and included the most specific decentralization measures since the new China founded. Based on the tendency of educational administration reform in China, it is of practical significance to study decentralized countries’educational administration system, analyze their ideas about decentralization, and learn from their experience in order to reinforce the reform of educational administration system in China.This article used the example of America and New Zealand, which are two typical educational administration decentralization countries, and took the perspective from the educational administration websites of these two countries. The methodology utilized included document research, comparative analysis, and face-to-face interviews as visiting scholar abroad. The purpose of this article is to discover the strategies and ideas about decentralization management, service administration orientation, and communication among government, schools and society, thereby providing suggestions for educational reform in China, through analyzing the layout and function set of America and New Zealand’s educational administration websites.This article first identified the study background, purpose and research approach, and clarified the key concepts including educational administration, educational administration website, and study of education administration website. Then in chapter 1, the article summarized the previous study on educational administration system, educational reform and educational website, which lay the foundation of this entire discussion. Moreover, this article introduced the educational websites of America and New Zealand, including the layout and function, which reflects the idea of educational decentralization. Then in chapter 4, the article analyzed the ideas of American and New Zealand educational websites using the comparison approach, and learned some experience. Finally in chapter 5, incorporated the current situations of our country’s educational websites and administration system, the article made some suggestions from the views of functional optimization, decentralized trends,and non-governmental organization’s involvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational decentralization system, Educational administration websites, America, New Zealand
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