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EMG Study Of University Volleyball Players Passing Muscle Force Characteristics Of The Movement

Posted on:2016-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The pass is one of the basic technique of volleyball and the basis of competition and organization tactics, especially the second as offensive, play a role as a bridge to attack or to counterattack in the game. This study attempts to introduce EMG technology into the research of volleyball movement and has applied sports anatomy, sports physiology, sports training, sports biomechanics and other subjects. Analysising of physiological principle of passing for compensating for the lack of volleyball pass technique and the way to improve the teaching and training method of volleyball teaching.Proposes: Using surface electromyograp technology to change characteristics of passing at different distance from motion analysis athletes participate in related indicators of muscle, comparing the differences between remote; and a little distance passing movements involved in related indicators of muscle to guide the teaching and training.Methods: Selection ten players of changchun normal university high level women’s volleyball team(height:176.9±3.83 cm; weight:64.6±2.37 kg; age:19.2±1.23 y) as the research object, adopts the methods of electrical test, the athletes in different distances passing action characteristic of myoelectricity index changes. To pass as the research variables, collection and body deltoid toe, trapezius muscle(beam) on 13 muscle electromyographic signal.The main research results:1.Close pass, the muscle of the athletes when long passes the temporal characteristics consistent, but there are differences between the discharge level, 6 m distance passing muscle put power is greater than 3 m of the muscle power.2.In the process of volleyball pass, pass, 3 m distance half tendon muscle IEMG value of 1.79±1.30(mv.s) is the largest, biceps at least 0.05-0.02(mv.s); 6 m distance passing, glutes 2.97±0.60(mv.s) is the largest, biceps at least 0.08-0.04(mv.s).3.Ace spiker deltoid in different distance passing three pieces with muscle has contributed more than 10%; Biceps and three pieces of power, the contribution rate of muscle is above 6%; Trapezius muscle bundle on seven pieces with muscle contribution rate under 6%.Conclusion:1.The discharge order of passing is around the trapezius muscle bundle, anterior deltoids, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis muscle, triceps, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, biceps flexor cruris, rectus femoris, pectoralis major, round pronator muscle, biceps, triceps, transfer completed the final strength and speed through tcompleted in volleyball pass action of main force of muscle.2.Deltoid toe, and tendons, glutes, strands of volleyball pass main rectus muscle force.3.Volleyball pass in the process of the contribution rate of each muscle is in turn the rectus femoris muscle, anterior deltoids, vastus lateralis muscles, the gluteus maximus, vastus medialis, semitendinosus muscle, pectoral muscle, triceps, biceps, triceps, round pronator muscle, trapezius muscle, biceps flexor cruris.
Keywords/Search Tags:volleyball, passing, different distance, surface electromyograp
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