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The Strategy Research On Establishment Of Classroom Temperament And Interest Teaching For English In Primary School

Posted on:2015-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467473843Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of globalization trend, English learning of students tends to use the language, not just to learn a language. For the goal of globalization is gradually formed, we must train the next generation to become "international man" in order to in the global competition, among which excellent foreign language capacity and the willing to make friends with foreigners are one of the basic conditions of being international man. Since the reform and opening up, Chinese English education has made remarkable achievement. Basic Education in Primary School English New Curriculum Standard, published in2011, explicitly pointed out:"Foreign language is a compulsory course in the stage of basic education, and English is one of the main languages in foreign language courses." However, there is still certain gap between the present situation of English education in China and Chinese economic and social development. The new English curriculum reforms to strengthen students’ practical ability to use the language as the center, and stress to stimulate students’interest in learning and improve the capacity of cross-cultural learning in order to form autonomous learning. About the strategy on establishment of classroom temperament and interest teaching, many domestic and foreign scholars carried out in-depth study, and some still has carried out a practical experiment. But research on the teaching of Chinese scholars almost focus on the creation of mother tongue temperament and interest teaching strategies, there has not formed the system of temperament and interest teaching ideology in second language learning. At present, various disciplines have begun to try to classroom temperament and interest teaching strategies, and primary stage is the key period of the development of language, therefore, it is very important for English classroom temperament and interest teaching in primary school.This study is divided into four parts:first, the connotation of English classroom temperament and interest in primary school; second, the theoretical basis of English classroom temperament and interest creating in primary school; third, the strategy on establishment of classroom temperament and interest teaching for English in primary school; fourth, the evaluation. The focus of the research is based on the guidance of Decroly’s teaching method to analyze the content of English classroom temperament and interest and research on the base of theory, which establish the strategy of English temperament and interest in primary school. The key lies in finding out the corresponding strategies of primary school English classroom temperament and interest, according to the characteristics of different nature and task of English class in primary school, to achieve the goal of the students’ individualized and autonomous learning, and teachers’ professional development goals.The introduction mainly includes five parts of research origin, putting forward the question, definition, literature review, research ideas and methods, which researches about the status of English classroom temperament and interest creation strategy at home and abroad, and the meaning of research. It introduces the development trend of globalization background, investigating the existing domestic and foreign research present situation and the problems of English education in China, and Shows the theoretical significance and practical significance. The first chapter puts forward the connotation and features of English classroom temperament and interest, which focuses on the cause of English students’ emotion so as to stimulate learning enthusiasm. The second chapter studies the theoretical basis of English classroom temperament and interest creating, including Decroly’s Individualized education theory, Pestalozzi’s elements of education theory, Piaget’s Constructivism learning theory and Rosenthal’s expectant effect. The paper refers these theories to create the primary school English classroom teaching strategies. The third chapter analyses of the primary school students English learning situation and casing investigation through questionnaire, implementation strategy and then constructing different strategies for different nature and task of the research model. This study is based on the action research method, supplemented by literature research method and survey method, according to different task and the nature of English classroom teaching to research in the new teaching, consolidate class, review class and activity class. The last chapter returns to evaluation criteria of the English classroom strategies and results of the research, which is combined with the actual situation of Chinese English education at the present stage, to think and outlook the English classroom temperament and interest teaching strategies in primary school.
Keywords/Search Tags:classroom temperament and interest, emotional experience, interest stimulation, autonomous Learning
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