With the development of economy, more and more people want to live a comfortable life,especially in domestic life. In order to meet this kind of demand, the concept “Smart Home†has beencreated and the related technogies are developing rapidly. In addition, with the development ofembedded and wireless sensor network technologies,"Smart Home" goes to the daily life ofconsumers from the concept stage, especially as an integral part of the "Smart Home ", the field of"energy metering" are developing rapidly. In this background, a smart home gateway system forenergy metering is researched and designed in this paper. The hardware platform of the smart homegateway for energy metering is designed based on ARM chip which is used as a central processingunit. The wireless sensor network and the corresponding communication nodes are developed byusing the IrDA, ZigBee and RF technology, as well as GPSR module. The software platform is basedon linux operating system, and the management system for smart home gateway for energy meteringis developed on the basis of it.Three kinds of wireless sensor networks are designed in this paper by using the IrDA, ZigBeeand RF technology. The IrDA sensor network contains a master node and some of child nodes, andthe way of communication between them is point to point. The ZigBee sensor network contains aZigBee master and several ZgiBee child nodes, and they realize the communication between eachother through building a star structure network. The RF sensor network contains a RF master nodeand several child nodes, and the way to communication with each other is build a network whichstructure is mesh. The wireless sensor network of the system is constituted by these three kinds ofwireless communication protocol sensor networks.The platform of software for home gateway is based on the Linux-2.6.32kernel. Firstly, thetransplantation process of the Bootloader is introduced. Secondly, the transplantations of the linuxsystem, root file system, the embedded Qt platform and the embedded database are introduced.Finally, on the basis of above, the development of gateway management system is described,including the design of multi-threaded, the design and establishment of database, the design of thegateway initialization and the design of gateway operation interface. The compatibility and mutual transformation of various communication protocols in the whole management system is achievedwell, as well as the stability of the whole system.The last part is a testing of the whole gateway system, mainly including the testing of gatewayhardware, software and hardware alignment of the gateway system. Hardware testing contains thetesting of the smallest ARM system and GPRS module. The testing of software and hardwarealignment is a testing which shows a demonstration of the system. |