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Reaserch On English Native Speakers’ Difficulty In Learning Chinese Adberb “Hai”

Posted on:2019-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542470281Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern Chinese,the adverb,because of its specific characteristics has always been one of the key points of Chinese research.And because many adverbs not only can express the objective meaning,but also can express the subjective idea of speakers.Therefore,adverb has been one of the difficulties of foreign students in learning Chinese.At present,the ontology study of adverb "Hai" is more adequate.However,the theoretical research and practical teaching has not been well combined.In this paper,we will study the difficulty in acquiring the adverb "Hai" for English learners’.This paper is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which will introduce the research background,target and the significance,the research method as well as the present research achievement about "Hai".The second chapter is the usage classification of the polysemous adverb "Hai".On the basis of the research results of predecessor ontology,the usage of adverb "Hai" is divided into seven kinds.The third chapter will construct a hypothetical acquisition difficult level based on the analysis of grammaticalization and comparison between Chinese and English,The fourth chapter is the statistics of the data,which can be used to calculate the English speakers’ usage and correctness of the adverb "Hai".At the same time,according to the data change between the junior-middle stage and the advanced stage,we will try to get the order of the difficulty in learning the adverb "Hai".The fifth chapter is the textbook analysis,analyze each usage’s frequency and order of occurrence in teaching materials.The sixth chapter is conclusion,we’d like to put forward the innovation and the insufficiency of the paper,there are still many points needed to be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:English speakers, Adverb"Hai", Learning difficulty, the analysis of text books
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