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Research On Risk Assessment Of Major Issues On Social Stability

Posted on:2012-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503452510Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In t he first part of the dissertati on th e reason for ch oosing the subject and the research mean ing are stated, and major iss ues, risk, social stabilit y risk an d s ocial risk assessment a nd so forth are also defined and presented. Meanwhile, the d iss ertation proposes literature review on r isk management both at home and abroad an d p oints ou t the s tudy and research directio n. The s econd part focu ses on analyzing the possible social risk fact ors resulted from ma jor i ssues in the p erspective of type and ch aracteristics, which offer theoretical b asis for the index syst em in the t hird p art. Th e th ird part, according to internal memb ership and causal connection, decompo s es social risk factors layer upon layer, and with reference to the initial d evelop ment of domes t ic an d forei gn res earch results builds a mo re comp rehensive sys tem of assessment index s ystem. Every index is explained by adopting certain Computational Meth od. Finally, the d issertation indi cat es the possibl e p robl ems en count ered in the s pecific i mplementati on of assessment index and t he correspond ing measures, and an alyzes the theory and p ractice value of the research t o social man agement.
Keywords/Search Tags:major issues, social stabil ity, risk assessment
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