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The "Gass Field" Of Grass-Government And The Mechanism Of Group Events

Posted on:2018-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330512984972Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After entering the 21st century,China in the realization of leap-forward development at the same time,but also into the period of social transition and the reform of the deep water,which makes the various social contradictions more endless.ln this case,the various groups of events in a wide range,high frequency,multi-type way have become the pattern of manifestation of the internal contradictions.Group conflict,civil and civil conflict has become the focus of social concern and government stability.For a long time,whether it is policy-oriented,academic research or the masses of cognition,will directly point to the cause of mass incidents at the government.People thought that the government is the initiator,and they violated the principle of governing for the people,infringed the public interest,touched the dignity and moral bottom line of the masses.So the "Oppression-resistance" type of mass incidents mechanism accounted for the mainstream of society.Under this attribution,the basic-level government,because of its nature and the specificity of the function,naturally become the main object of the masses to Ite off steam.ln fact,as the subject of implementation of the "contact politics",grassroots government is also the "victims" of the mass incident,because they have to bear "splint of gas" and unable to resist.lf this tense administrative environment of the grassroots government is not fully awared and improved,not only will have the impact on mass incidents'sgovernance,but also have an underlying problem to for the future events.Based on this,from the perspective of grass-roots government to explore the occurrence of mass incidents need to attract our attention.As the grassroots government has abstract characteristics,the actual administrative behavior of the main body are grassroots public servants.Therefore,it is a major breakthrough to start from the emotions of the grassroots civil servants-"gas field" and explore the tense working environment and it's impact on their emotions and work behavior.This article draws on the concept of "gas field of YingXing professor,and we first integrates the theory of pressure system,value accumulation theory and social"safety valve" to create a new frame diagram of "grassroots government 'gas field'four-stage".On this basis,this paper analyzes and summarizes the three typical cases,and concludes the different states of the "gas field" of the grassroots government at different stages of the whole group event.And trying to answer the question of how the "gas field" came from,how it worked,and what role it played in the whole event.Through the analysis,this paper draws the following conclusions:In the specific administrative process,the grassroots government will show the "social people" side,that is,they also have the masses "angry" features.When generating contradictions with the higher authorities,the bottom of the masses and other actors,they will be"angry".If this "gas" has not smooth channel,then the contradictions between the two sides will continue to accumulate,and after encountering the moral impact,it will be all "released".At that time,the contradictions between the people has become the maximum,which eventually lead to mass incidents.This paper argues that we have to attach importance and try to improve the administrative environment of the "dilemma" of grassroots governmen.We should reposition the proportion of responsibility of the grassroots government in the social conflict and re-examine the occurrence of mass incidents.Only in this way can social awareness be more rational and objective,and ultimately form a social reality through the promotion of social governance to solve the social contradictions during the reality of the transition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grassroots government, Gas field, Group events, The mechanism
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