Since the founding of new China in 1949,innovation has always been an important part of national construction,innovative ideas continue to inherit the development to today,has accumulated a fruitful results.After The Fifth Plenum of the 18 th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,it is the concept of innovation referred to the development of the concept of the first five,innovation as the core of the five development ideas,is to solve the elements of development momentum.At present,in the "new normal" economic situation,the development of innovative ideas is a long way to go.Innovation to keep up with the economic,social and other objective changes in the form of the environment,but in the process of innovation still face a lot of stubbornness and bottlenecks: technical dependence,system protection is not perfect,cultural construction of the omission,lack of theoretical innovation,these are innovation Concept to be resolved.In the speeches and important documents of the conference,the four innovative dimensions of technology,system,theory and culture are put forward as the focus,such as the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth National Congress,"insisting on innovation and development,must put innovation in the national development of the overall situation The core position,and constantly promote the theoretical innovation,institutional innovation,technological innovation,cultural innovation and other aspects,so that innovation through the party and the country all the work,so that innovation in the community become common." Four dimensions,including theoretical innovation,technological innovation,institutional innovation,cultural innovation,must exist within the internal link,although the concept is not limited to this "four dimensions",the "four dimensions" as a fundamental research has a certain realistic background."Four dimensions" are the basic aspects of innovational development,this article analyzes the inherent logic relationship and synergistic effect among the four dimensions.By reviewing Marx’s innovative ideas and western innovation theory,through the induction of the Chinese Communist Party’s innovative ideas,this article explores the intrinsic relationship of "four dimensions",and then analyzes the problems and challenges in China’s economic development,put forward relevant suggestions on the realization route of China’s innovational development. |