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Research On Middle-aged People’s Choice For The Main Body Of Responsibility For The Aged And Influencing Factors

Posted on:2018-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515996790Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the process of social transformation,China’s economy and scientific technology are developed rapidly,improving the quality of life.And with the level of medical service and technology enhanced,the average life expectancy of our population increase gradually,so that a large number of old and older aged people emerged;at the same time,because of the one-child policy for a long time,the disappearance of the demographic dividend,the structure of population was developed unbalanced,leading to low birth rate and aging society.The middle-aged people as the main contributors to the development of social services,bearing the double pressure from family and society,they are during from one-child policy tightening to adjustment,and the value of providing older from traditional to new style,bearing the brunt of imbalanced population structure: with raising children,they have to take the responsibility of providing the aged who have a rooted value of relying on their children for aged-life.With studying of related papers,and through the correlation analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis,found that there are much of middle-aged people still like to rely on children for aged living,and the rate of relying on oneself is raising and a little middle-aged people choose to rely on government,also there is a trend to realize to rely on all three parties.Also,middle-aged people’s choice of responsible for providing their future aged-life is influenced by age,sex and self-assessment of health status,by level of education,number of children,household economic status,self evaluation,social security participation,and frequency contact of relatives and friends.For the development of future provide for aged liability of middle-aged people’s choices,adjusting and improving the aged-living services to support the function of providing for aged.We suggest building caring security system,improving the level of elder industry and accomplishing the facilities of community caring.Therefore,children and middle-aged themselves,as well as government could play their due role in aged-ling activities,fully meeting the needs of the elderly population in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle aged people, the main body of responsibility for the aged, provide for the aged by children, provide for the aged by oneself, provide for the aged by government
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