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The Complilation For Self-rating Scale Of Sensitivity Of Seasickness In Navy Recruits

Posted on:2018-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XuFull Text:PDF
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Objective: To compilate a self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits and to carry out reliability and validity tests.Methods: The connotation of sensitivity of seasickness was analyzed based on the related literatures at home and abroad,and the related factors of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits were summarized by questionnaire and individual visits.The structural model of sensitivity of seasickness was established.Item pools were established combined with results of the model,questionnaires and individual visits,and referred to questionnaires of sensitivity of seasickness compilated by foreign scholars,to establish the original scale of sensitivity of seasickness,and then combined with the revised views from experts on the original scale,the initial scale was formed.The Graybiel symptom and physical sign of motion sickness was used as a standard,and it was used as a survey tool with the self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits.In April 2015,the initial scale and the Graybiel scale were used to investigate the vessel veterans in Shantou Marine District,the survey data were collected and analyzed by exploratory factor analysis.The above process was used as a pre-test to form the revised version of the sensitivity scale of seasickness in Navy recruits,revised version of the scale is divided into seven factors,namely the symptoms of past seasickness(SPS),the symptoms of past carsickness(SPC),coping behavior to motion sickness(CBMS),likeness symptoms of motion sickness in usual(LSMSU),estimate sensitive of motion sickness(ESMS),response to special stimulus(RSS),response to negative suggestion(RNS),a total of 45 items.From July to December in 2015,we tested the revised scale and the Graybiel scale in vessel officers and soldiers from the Beihai,Donghai and Nanhai fleets,a total of 1515 were tested,a total of 940 cases whose score of the motion sickness symptoms and signs were greater than 16 points were selected,the questionnaire data from these 940 cases were analyzed,and then exploratory factor analysis was performed to establish the formal scale.From January to March in 2016,the formal scale and the Graybiel scale were investigated in 3000 recruits from Qingdao,Shanghai,Shajiao recruits training base,data were recorded,a total of 742 recruits with boat experience(those who have taken powerboat and hours underway in river and sea were over 1 hour)were screened out,the confirmatory factor analysis,reliability and validity analysis and ROC curve analysis were performed.In April 2016,37 undergraduates from the second military medical college,2016 session of the Department of Marine were randomly sampled,the self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits was investigated in the above population,and retested after 35 days with the scale for testing the reliability of the scale.Results: 1.Reliability:(1)Cronbach's ? coefficient: ? coefficient was 0.948 in the large sample testing scale,each factor was 0.812~0.944;the formal scale was 0.952,each factor was 0.797~0.945;(2)Split half reliability: The scale of the test sample was 0.692,the factors were 0.751~0.928;the formal scale was 0.977,and the factors were 0.721~0.922;(3)Retest reliability: the total scale was 0.875(P <0.01),and the factors were 0.488~0.837(P <0.01).2.Validity:(1)Content validity: the theoretical model was established through searching a large number of domestic and foreign literature on seasickness and discussed by members in the project group,in strict accordance with the scale of preparation,to comply with the provisions of the preparation of the scale,and under the guidance of the scientific and meticulous research ideas,the scale was designed and completed reasonable.And then the scale was reviewed by experts in the field of the seasickness and psychology,under the guidance of experts,the scale was improved to ensure that the overall design was specific,all aspects of factors were considered comprehensively,the amount questions were reasonable,each item was appropriate,so as to ensure that the scale had a higher content validity.(2)Structural validity: formal scale was established after the exploratory factor analysis,including 7 factors and 36 items,seven factors were named: SPS,SPC,CBMS,LSMSU,ESMS,RSS,RNS.Results of the EFA showed that KMO = 0.925,Bartlett value was 26581.007,P <0.01,indicating that the data collected by the scale was very suitable for factor analysis,36 items composed of 7 factors,factors cumulative variance contribution rate was 72.031%.There were significant correlations among the various factors in the formal scale,also,there were significant correlations between each factor and the total scale,and the correlation coefficient was 0.313~0.884(P <0.01).The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that: ?2=935.993,df=465,?2/df=2.013,GFI=0.934,AGFI=0.905,TLI=0.969,CFI=0.977,IFI=0.977,RMSEA(90%CI)=0.038(0.034~0.041),indicating that the adaptation index in the scale model was better,the theoretical model of the scale and the actual model was ideal.(3)Criterion related validity: the survey data from the formal scale in the recruits,the criterion related validity of the total score in the scale and the score of the Graybiel sickness syndrome was 0.730(P <0.01).3.Diagnostic value test of scale: the predictive validity of the scale was calculated as the dividing point of 5%,10%,respectively.According to the 10% of the highly sensitive personnel in vessel population for ROC analysis,the area under the curve was 0.927,indicating that the scale in the dividing point of 10% had higher diagnostic value;the best diagnostic value of the scale was 13.50,compliance rate of prediction was 81.94%,positive predictive coincidence rate was 37.00%,and after combination of the professional scale,the diagnostic value of the scale was increased to 38.00,and the coincidence rate of the scale was 93.53%,the positive predictive coincidence rate was 82.69%.According to the 5% of the highly sensitive personnel in vessel population for ROC analysis,the area under the curve was 0.939,indicating that the scale in the dividing point of 10% had higher diagnostic value;the best diagnostic value of the scale was 20.50,compliance rate of prediction was 87.47%,positive predictive coincidence rate was 27.64%,and after combination of the professional scale,the diagnostic value of the scale was increased to 51.50,and the coincidence rate of the scale was 95.55%,the positive predictive coincidence rate was 57.57%.Conclusions: This study completed the preparation work of self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits.The results show that the theoretical model of self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruits has high consistency with the final result,the scale structure is reasonable,the reliability and validity of the scale meet the psychometric requirements,the prediction accuracy of the scale is high,which can be used in the self-rating scale of sensitivity of seasickness in Navy recruit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Naval recruit, seasickness, motion sickness, sensitivity, reliability, validity
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