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The Normative Analysis And Policy Interpretation On Terrorist Crime

Posted on:2018-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330536456013Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent year,The“Chinese Turkestan” terrorist crime growing and spreading in our country turns into a serious threat to the peace and safety of the society.The major issue what our country has to settle is how to effectively punish such crime by the criminal law.Compared with foreign criminal legislation,the regulation about setting the terrorist crime and statutory sentence in our criminal law was negligent、the content is imperfect and the establishment of terrorist crime seemed to be imprecise before the adaptation of Criminal Law Amendment IX.The introduction of Criminal Law Amendment IX has tightened criminal net and consummated the terrorist crime charge system and the penalty allocation.It not only achieves the connection with foreign criminal legislation,but also gives full expression to the spirit of severe punishment for terrorist crime,and add the strong legal support to punish the terrorist crime in our country.Among it,the way to tighten the arm of the criminal law is that rules on terrorist crime in advance.It is an important means to deal with the danger of terrorism and protect the super-personal law benefit.Through interrelates such legislation phenomenon、retroactive and study the justification、and combinative “East Turkistan” cases,it is good for understanding the value and the theory of the rule in advance.In addition,based on defining the concept of extremism、determining the holding terrorist crime、inciting terrorist crime,and the combinative relevant cases,the article hopes to offer personal legal opinions and deliver value to makes the identification of such crimes in judicial practice...
Keywords/Search Tags:East Turkistan, terrorist crime, rules in advance
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