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Research On The Dilemmas And The Ways Of Improvement Rural Community Governance From The Perspective Of Governance And Good Governance

Posted on:2018-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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In national governance system,rural comm unity being a basic unit of national grass-roots society,its governance modes are an important component of national governance,which is not only a footstone to strengthen social governance,but also groundwork to realize modernized national governance.In the governance process,no matter it is national governance,soci al governance or community governance,“good governance” is the most ideal governance status to be achieved.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical sig nificance to discuss the current situations of rural community governance,its dilemmas and improvement ways from the perspective of governance and good governance.In this thesis,governance and good governance serving as the research perspectives,Liuzhi Special Zone is chosen as a typical case to study rural community governance.This thesis is composed of four chapters.The first chapter is the introduction part,in which mainly analyzes the research background & signif icance,domestic & foreign research situations,research contents & methods,relevant theoretical foundation & definition of basic concepts,research innovation points and deficiencies.In the second chapter,the author introduces the practical exploration of rural community governance in Liuzhi Special Zone,which mainly includes: infrastructure construction is gradually improved and a hardware platform for better offering rural community services is built;community organizations are gradually completed;construction vitality of rural communities is enhanced.In the third chapter,based on the author’s field investigation,the dilemmas that rural community governance in Liuzhi Special Zone are concluded and corresponding reasons are analyzed.Existing dilemmas that Liuzhi Special Zone is confronting with are as below: The degree of community autonomy is low and village self-governance becomes a mere formality;talent team of community work is feeb le;the development of non-governmental organizations in rural communities is backward;villagers are not active in participating in community governance;environm ental governance ways in rural communities are backward,so that community environmental pollution becomes increasingly severe.In the fourth chapter,aiming at solve dilemmas that Liuzhi Special Z one is facing,c ountermeasures to im prove the comm unity governance in Liuzhi Special Zone are put forward: formulating a sound villagers’ self-governance system to constantly improving the degree of community self-governance;enhancing the constructio n of rural community talent team s;vigorously developingnon-governmental organizations in rural communities;raising villagers’ activity in taking part in to rural community governance;im proving environmental governance mode of rural communities to build beautiful rural communities.In the fourth chapter,aiming at solve dilemmas that Liuzhi Special Zone is facing,countermeasures to improve the community governance in Liuzhi Special Zone are put forward: for mulating a s ound villagers’ self-governance system to constantly improving the degree of commu nity self-governance;enhancing the construction of rural community talent teams;vigorously developingnon-governmental organizations in rural communities;raising villagers’ activity in taking part into rural community governance;im proving environmental governance m ode of rural communities to bu ild beautiful rural communities.In this c ontext,lastly,the au thor looks ahead the developm ent prospects of rural community governance.The author thinks that from the perspective of “governance and good governance”,the objectives of rural community governance are: governance,village committee,non-governmental organization and villagers jointly participate in community governance,so as to build new-type modernized communities,remarkably improve villagers’ production and living environments,enrich cultural activities,form villagers’ sound spiritual appearance,strengthen the cohesiveness of members in two comm ittees of villages,promote harmonious relationships between neighbors,and finally achieve the goals of high community self-governance degree,or derly community governance,com plete services,harmonious and civilized atm osphere,clean and tidy environm ent in the communities and comfortable & cozy life.To achieve above objectives,in later rural community governance,it should be taken into consideration that the goals of villagers should be com bined with rural community governance goals,so that the rural community governance can be done better and villagers can obtain more benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:governance and good governance, Liuzhi Special Zone, rural community governance, dilemma analysis, improvement ways
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