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The Prevention And Cure Of School Violence In Middle School

Posted on:2017-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, frequent occurrence of campus violence has already become a one of social hot social issues, threats to the campus safety has become more and more serious. According to statistics, at present in our country middle school campus, campus violence phenomenon continuous to rise development the spread trend, become the chief culprit disturbing campus security. Survey, campus violence phenomenon in some non key schools occur more often than key school. The problem of campus violence prone to school campus safety problems thought-provoking, if either the phenomena such as development continues to spread, will harm to students' healthy growth, affecting the development of a harmonious society as a whole, even Will young generation people astray, take the misunderstanding of life, affecting the country's long-term development and the harmonious society construction. In this regard, society as a whole, schools and parents must cause enough attention, can not be taken lightly. However, the face of the campus violence continue to occur and campus security problem of threatened situation, the author thinks that, it is necessary for us to from theory research to the scientific system of prevention and treatment of campus violence, since this can ensure the order of teaching in schools is not destroyed, can prevent the problem of juvenile delinquency, reduce the harm to society of campus violence.Combination of these circumstances, I read a large amount of literature, making detailed social survey,this system of school violence existing status and a high incidence of reason. And gives a comparative analysis to measures for the United States, Japan and Europe and Taiwan area of our country, to find out the reference point, reference to the regulation on the campus violence in these countries and regions,combined with the actual situation of our country, construct in our country on the campus violence in the legal protection framework. Campus violence is not only the violence of the party for the victims of violations, it is not an independent social phenomenon, which has complex social. American sociologist Anakin Arnold P. Goldstein de in the < adolescent behavior change strategy > mentioned "the school is only set all the powers of the influence adolescent behavior place, a step into the campus, youth is reflected in the their family and grew up in the background of social, psychological, economic and political environment, given the influence of. Schools want to improve the independent violence may have difficulty,but school is the key mechanism. Other institutions neither school which is owned by some chance, can not focus so much of young people" therefore, school research in the prevention of school violence thought education countermeasures problem and To ensure the safety of campus environment, although not to eradicate the occurrence of campus violence, it is the most direct and effective way to reduce the occurrence of campus violence and to mitigate the consequences.
Keywords/Search Tags:campus violence, campus security and ideological education of legal consciousness
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