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A Study Of The Correlation Between English Learning Motivation And Autonomous Learning Competence In WEB Based Environment

Posted on:2018-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518983200Subject:English Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
English autonomous learning competence plays an important role in cultivating high quality talents in colleges and universities.Motivation is one of the important factors that affect English autonomous learning.In recent years,domestic researchers have begun to follow the trend of foreign researches,combining motivation with autonomous learning to do the research.Aiming at how to improve the competence of autonomous learning for learners,there were few researches about improving teaching environment and reforming teaching mode,rarely involved in the learner’s personal factors on the competence to autonomous learning.In addition,there are few studies about non-English major postgraduates.Therefore,this paper is based on the learning motivation and autonomous learning theory to explore the correlation between English learning motivation and autonomous learning competence,and try to solve the following problems through empirical analysis:1.What are the characteristics of non-English major postgraduates’ English learning motivation?2.What are the characteristics of non-English major postgraduates’ autonomous learning competence?3.Is there any correlation between English learning motivation and autonomous learning competence of non-English major postgraduates?This paper investigates 131 non-English major postgraduates from CCNU through questionnaires.This study also used two questionnaires:English learning motivation questionnaire and autonomous learning competence questionnaire.I analyzed the results by SPSS software and the following conclusions were obtained:The overall English learning motivation of non-English major postgraduates in CCNU is just at a medium level,and the individual development motivation is stronger than other motivations.The autonomous learning competence is also not high the autonomous learning competence of setting English learning goals ranks the top.There is a significant positive correlation between non-English major postgraduates’English learning motivation and autonomous learning competence:on the one hand,the intrinsic interest motivation,individual development motivation,information media motivation,social responsibility motivation and going abroad motivation have positive relationship with autonomous learning competence,and have a significant impact,so the stronger the learning motivation,the higher the autonomous learning competence.On the other hand,the immediate achievement and learning situation motivation has no obvious relationship with autonomous learning competence.There are no significant differences in English learning motivation and autonomous learning competence between non-English major postgraduates with different disciplines.On the basis of the analysis results,this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the autonomous learning competence of non-English major postgraduates.Finally,the end of the paper points out the limitations of this study and offers recommendations for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network environment, learning motivation, autonomous learning competence
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