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A Study On WeChat Payment Users’ Usage Intention

Posted on:2015-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330461455037Subject:Library and Information Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the development of new business models—e-commerce, mobile commerce have come into the public eye, which consequently has led to the emergence of new payment method—mobile payment. With its flexibility and convenience, mobile payment has become widely used and it has quickly opened the market. Tencent, using the user-based Tencent micro-channel, soon launched a "micro-channel payment" product. This product quickly won the user’s favor. Later Sina and Alibaba together developed and launched a similar mobile payment product—"microblogging pay". With the competition within the Internet industry escalating, users have become increasingly demanding and picky. Under such circumstance, it is urgent for the Internet operators to understand what factors will affect the user choices.With the light of relevant literature, the factors affecting the users’ wishes when choosing a mobile payment product have been concluded after the data analysis based on a structural equation model of 345 questionnaires, proposed research model and hypotheses. The results of this paper show that:performance expectations, effort expectancy, social influence will directly affect the user’s intention in a positive way; in the present study, two factors, perceived risk and perceived enjoyment, don’t seem to influence the users’ choice. Convenient conditions and users’ willingness to use the product are the two factors that act directly and positively on the actual behavior of users.The contribution of this paper lies in that:a) with empirical research method, the analysis of the affecting factors of users’ willingness to use micro-channel payment products has filled the empirical study gap in such an emerging market; b) in this study, the integration of technology accepted model UTAUT basic research framework combined with the perceived risk and perceived enjoyment, which has provided a comprehensive and valid model to examine the users’ willingness; c) in this study, the actual sample data have been analyzed within model validation and valuable research conclusions have been drawn; d) the conclusions based on empirical research on the development of micro-channel payment have offered valuable recommendations to operators management and marketing strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat payment, UTAUT, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived risk, Usage intention
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