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Video-assisted Teaching Methods Are Applied To The Experimental Research Of Badminton Teaching

Posted on:2018-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330515456952Subject:Physical Education and Training
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With the deepening of the reform of physical education,the sports teaching methods are put forward new requirements,many experts and scholars are constantly exploring teaching methods for modern students,to improve students’ interest in learning,to promote students’ learning,improve the teaching effect.In recent years,video the auxiliary means of teaching as an important part of modern multimedia teaching,its advantage and function aroused the attention of scholars,research on the teaching method of the video in academic circles are more and more,especially for the study of the effect of video assisted teaching,provide new opportunities for innovative methods of sports teaching mode in this research.Mainly want to video playback for the media,to explore the dependency relation between it and the teaching effect and tasks,in order to provide a possibility for the reform of physical education teaching methods,to further expand the group of physical education teaching.In this paper,using the method of literature,questionnaire survey method,expert investigation method,experimental method,mathematical statistics method,randomly selected three public administrative classes at the Yangzhou University Yangzijin campus students as the experimental object,the most suitable time of video assisted teaching and video broadcasting are discussed,through the teaching experiment draw the following conclusions:1.Thruough a semester of teaching experiment,the experimental class and the control class badminton special quality test scores were improved,and the students in the experimental class to enhance the quality of badminton is obviously better than the control class,which from the other side of that help video in teaching learning interest and autonomous learning ability of students to improve.2.From the experimental results,the experimental class in the lofty ball to hit the forehand,the lofty ball technology standards and technical assessment results,were higher than the control class and experimental class;B video before the teacher to explain,the basic technical skill evaluation standards and best performance,significantly higher than other classes.3.Statistics show that the experimental results:video assisted teaching methods for students with comprehensive performance improvement at the end of the badminton session had no obvious effect,the reason may be the time is too short,not enough for the students’ physical function and quality of all aspects have a significant impact.4.Video assisted instruction plays a positive role in promoting students’ interest in badminton learning,learning attitude,self-learning ability,the satisfaction of badminton teaching and the promotion of emotional communication between teachers and students.Suggest:1.The use of video is only an auxiliary means of physical education,should be selected in accordance with the specific circumstances of physical education,but also with the traditional methods of teaching,traditional teaching methods should be taken as the main means of teaching.2.Because of the complexity of the video assisted instruction,if we want to adopt it,we should make full preparations for it.3.Video assisted instruction,the most important factor is teaching video,so you should pay attention to the quality of video when you select video.
Keywords/Search Tags:video teaching, badminton, optional courses, teaching methods
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