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Research On Optimal Models And Policies With Carbon Emission Mechanism Based On Stackelberg Game

Posted on:2017-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330503490051Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper analyzes the optimal decisions of firms with different carbon emission mechanisms, furthermore, we also investigate how relevant factors influence players’ decisions. Specifically, this paper mainly conducts the following two topics.Firstly,a stackelberg model is used to analyze government’s and a company’s behaviors of choosing green technologies when they are facing different constraints of carbon emission in the decentralized system. For the government or regulator, the paper introduces social welfare as the objective and social attention to environment is also added to this model, furthermore, this paper analyzes the influence of these factors when regulator’s decisions are considered. And for the company, the results of analyzing indicates that the firm’s reaction to an increase in the value of constrain may be non-monotone. And we also study the relationship between technology choosing and cost of technology, we find that two key factors determine whether the cleanest technology is inducible as compare with another technology: one factor is the fixed cost that caused by using corresponding technology every producing cycle and another factor is whether the economic benefits that generated by the green technology is sufficient to offset operating cost at some feasible value of constraint. Finally, this paper discusses whether government or regulator can make cleaner green technology inducible to the firm by the proper value of emission limitation and some suggestions to government or regulator and the firm are given. Secondly, we study the emission reducing effort of both supplier and manufacturer in multi-echelon green supply chain on the fact that the emission from the manufacturer is not only influenced by its own sustainability investment, but also affected by the green level of his suppliers’. Cap-and-trade regulation is applied in this paper for it is regarded as an effective mechanism to reduce the carbon emission. And we do our research for decentralized and centralized supply chain, optimal policies for retailer, manufacturer and supplier are derived in both systems. We find surprisingly that green supply chain will be dirtier in some situation than traditional supply chain in decentralized system. While in centralized system, this result still can be held. And in the last, we analyze the effect of the market demand sensibility and different products on the total profit of the supply chain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carbon Emission, Green Technology, Green Supply Chain, Stackelberg Game
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