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Research On The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Spirit, Entrepreneurial Ability And Entrepreneurial Performance Of Agricultural Enterprises

Posted on:2017-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R P YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330509461399Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, increasingly more investors pay attention on the venture projects in the agricultural sector, which attracts a growing number of entrepreneurs to start their venture projects in this field. Hence, for the sake of achieving economic benefit, both academic field and enterprise study relevant researches and practices, and they have made some achievements. However, there are still some more problems disturbing agricultural enterprises entrepreneurs and operators, especially in the field of the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance. There are more questions needed to be discussed deeper in terms of agricultural enterprise management, due to the lack of further researches of studying the entrepreneurial performance from the perspective of entrepreneurship and enterprise competencies. For the agricultural enterprises that operating in the environment of high risk and feebleness, the major problem impacting on their development is to get a breakthrough. For achieving higher performance of operation in agricultural industry, cultivating own entrepreneurship, identifying business opportunity, integrating external resources, overcoming the disadvantages of the resource endowment, improving entrepreneurial capacity and expanding the enterprise scale and profit are necessary. Entrepreneurial practice has proved that entrepreneurship has an impact on entrepreneurial performance. The academic hasn't paid enough attention on the relation between entrepreneurship and performance. Though few scholars believe entrepreneurial capacity perform the intermediation functions of the entrepreneurship and performance, there is still lack of further discussion of the influence path.Comparing to other enterprises, agricultural enterprises obtain entrepreneurial capacity and adapt the market competition, especially the outstanding feature of existing of natural risks and market risks, which requests they have a wider range risks. Moreover, the operation environment of the agricultural enterprises under highly influence from the governmental policies. They should exert proactiveness and innovativeness, and catch the market opportunities to boost their growth. The author has selected 138 agricultural enterprises in Pearl River delta area as samples to build up the structural equation model of entrepreneurship-entrepreneurial capacity-entrepreneurial performance, while the intervening variable is opportunity identification and resources integration, to reveal the path of entrepreneurship impacting on entrepreneurial performance. The result of the study shows entrepreneurship has positive influence on both entrepreneurial capacity and entrepreneurial performance. Furthermore, innovation of the entrepreneurship impacts most on entrepreneurial capacity and entrepreneurial performance, while entrepreneurial capacity affect entrepreneurial performance. Opportunity identification and resources integration plays an important role on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural enterprise, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial capacity, entrepreneurial performance
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