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Pricing Strategy Analysis Of Dual-channel Supply Chain Based On The Different Levels Of Services

Posted on:2017-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515964034Subject:Industrial engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the Internet, more and more manufacturers have not been a simple manufacturer any more, they take part in the competition by establishing direct sales channels in the terminal market. On the one hand the manufacturers through their competitions with the retailers on the end user market to get profit, on the other hand through the competitions with retailers on the terminal market to enhance their speaking right in the supply chain,so that they can limit the retailers’ behavior in the supply chain.This thesis studied the pricing strategy based on the different levels of service in the dual-channel supply chain system which is made up of two manufacturers’electronic marketing channels and a retailer’s traditional marketing channel. Under random demand, this paper researches on the influence of service on the dual-channel supply chain system’s pricing strategy. This paper constructs centralized decision-making and decentralized decision-making model, then using stackelberg game theory analysis the optional pricing strategy of the two kinds of model.After getting every dual-channel supply chain members’ optimal pricing strategies,this paper uses a quantity discount mechanism to coordinate the dual-channel supply chain, making each channel members’ profit increasing after the coordination by setting different quantity discounts, so as to promote the channel members take part in the optimal decision process actively.The results show that: Firstly,there is a significant relationship between the level of channel service and the channel price. Within a certain market environment, the channel price depends on the level of channel service. Secondly, the members’ service levels cannot be unlimited increase, and improve service levels exists a threshold,after exceeding the threshold value, the cost of increasing service levels will be higher than the earnings, it is not economical to improve the service levels in this situation,so channel members should improve their levels of service below the threshold value.Thirdly, the two manufacturers’ electronic channel pricing strategies are not completely independent, and their pricing strategies influence each other by the relationship between price and demand. And finally, through the quantity discounts method and by adjusting the discount factor to make all the channel members’ profit higher than before the coordination, so as to promote the channel members participate in and maintain the operation of the dual-channel supply chain system actively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dual-channel Supply Chain, Level of Service, Pricing Strategy, Stackelberg Game, Quantity Discount
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