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Analysis Of Land Use Change And Land Consolidation Potential In Chengcheng County

Posted on:2018-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542478507Subject:Land and Resource Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Earth,an indispensable resource for human beings,is also the foundation of social economic progress.The expansion of population and cities make the land use structure change dranatically,showing that tense land areas,low intensification and hollow villages.All this give great pressure to arable land.However,land consolidation is good to exploit new land resources,optimize land use structure and dig existing land capacity for alleviating the conflicts.So it’s necessary to analyze land potentiality and develop land resources for alleviate the shortage of land conflicts.Besides,land consolidation potential is the unnecessary step in the process.Chengcheng county,located in transition zone between Weibei loess plateau and Northern Shaanxi hilly-gully region,has a complicated and diversely landform.The medium-and low-yield fields are large and cultivated land quality are improved.Rural construction intensification is weak,causing lots of land resources are unused.The circulation of industrial land is weak and unused lands remain to be improved.This behavior makes the original houses deserted and it urges land consolidation to solve the above problems.Firstly,this paper analyzes the situation of land use change on the basis of land use data in 1995、2005 and 2014.Secondly,it calculates the theoretical potential by per capital and household average standards.Then get the realistic potential by correction coefficient,which is the rural construction land consolidation.Finally,by calculate the rural residents,land reclamation and unused agricultural land consolidation and get the value of total land consolidation potential.Then give some reasonable suggestions to questions.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)Land use changes have different characters in various years.Construction land and grassland shows an increasing trend while arable land,water area,forest land and unused land are decreasing from 1995 to 2014.In all the land type,the construction land grows 1535.62ha,the highest;the grassland followed,1428.88ha.Unused land descends 1674.28ha,the lowest;the arable land and forest land and water land decrease 642.05ha,579.23ha and 68.93ha respectively.In terms of land structure,arable land accounts for the largest in three years.Luckily,land use degree composite index is rising and land use change value is always the positive.(2)The relatively rate of land use change is different at each time.During the year from 1995 to 2005,the largest average value of relatively rate in different land use types is unused land while the lowest value is arable land.The unused land change is 5.330,the arable land is 0.180.Besides,the value of unused land change is,in yaotou town,the most(5.492),and zhuagntou town the lowest(0.163).Similarly,the value of arable land change is,in siqian town,and the most(1.046),chengguan town the lowest(0.865).In the next decade,the largest average value of relatively rate in different land use types is still unused land while the lowest value is construction land.The unused land change is 4.827,the arable land is 0.093.Besides,the value of unused land change is,in leijiawa town,the most(4.893),and yaotou town the lowest(0.066).Similarly,the value of construction land change is,in weizhuang town,and the most(1.069),chengguan town the lowest(0.976).During the whole periods,the largest average value of relatively rate in different land use types is still water area while the lowest value is arable land.The water area land change is 1.776,the arable land is 0.181.Besides,the value of water area change is,in jiaodao town,and the most(2.181),yaotu town the lowest(0.579).Similarly,the value of arable land change is,in siqian town,the most(1.044),and chenggaun town the lowest(0.864).(3)It exits spatial differences between the theoretical potential value and realistic potential value.The total value of theoretical potential is 6275.143ha by per capital standard.The largest theoretical potential value in various towns is 714.432ha(fengyaun town),and the smallest is 206.978ha(chengguan town).The total value of theoretical potential is 4802.726ha by household standard.The largest value in various towns is 494.940ha(anli town),and the smallest is 142.254ha(chengguan town).We can confer that the value calculated by per capital standard is larger than that by household standard.Besides,the final value is 5538.934ha.The largest value in various towns is 582.343ha(fengyaun town),and the smallest is 174.616ha(chengguan town).After that,realistic potential value got by correction coefficient is 2320.252ha,smaller than the theoretical potential value.the largest value of realistic potential in various towns is 295.350ha(weizhuang town),and the mallest is 89.304ha(yaootu town).(4)Different types of land consolidation have different all land consolidation types,agricultural land consolidation value is the largest(4291.47ha)while the land reclamation consolidation is the smallest(468.06ha).the largest total value of land consolidation in various town is 1107.016ha(fegnyaun town),and the smallest is 162.7211ha(chengguan town)...
Keywords/Search Tags:LUCC, rural construction land consolidation, Land consolidation, Chengcheng County
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