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Research On Government Support Policies In The Financing Of SMEs In Qujing City

Posted on:2018-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Z JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542986292Subject:Public management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,the small and medium-sized enterprises in Qujing City have made rapid development.A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have sprung up,which has made an important contribution to the city’s economic and social development and become the important source of increasing revenue.Meanwhile,the prosperity of small and medium-sized enterprises has become the main way to solve the employment as well as the main driver of technological innovation and an important basis for maintaining social stability.But as the economic development of our country has entered the new normal and the supply-side structural reform has gradually deepened,market demand of the small and medium-sized enterprises in Qujing City has entered a serious downturn.Many small and medium-sized enterprises are in trouble because of the overcapacity,the underemployment and the increasing of cut-off and semi-cut off enterprises.In particular,the problem of long-term financing difficulty and expensiveness is increasing,which has further troubled small and medium-sized enterprises.Facing its sever situation,it is impossible to solve the problem only by small and medium-sized enterprises and market behavior.It is Qujing city government that should fulfill public management function,provide quasi-public products and comprehensively adopt fiscal taxation,finance and other support policies to not only improve the small and medium-sized enterprises’ external environment of financing but also alleviate the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises and promote the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises.Emphasizing the government’s function of resources allocation in market failure,this paper chooses a theoretical research method that is from the basis theory to the policy basis,from the source of the problem to the policy choice.This paper mainly studies the development status of small and medium-sized enterprises in Qujing city and the current situation of financing as well as the main policy measures to support the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in Qujing City.At the same time,learning from the government policy measures which support the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad,combining the reality of Qujing City and many years of work experience,the writer puts forward the policy suggestions to perfect the Qujing City government to support small and medium-sized enterprise financing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qujing City, small and medium-sized enterprises, financing, government support policy
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