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The Adjustment Of Thailand’s Policy To Vietnam And The Development Of Thailand And Vietnam Relations After The Cold War

Posted on:2018-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330518458612Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thailand and Vietnam are one of the most important countries of Indo-China Peninsula.In many respects,Thailand’s policy implementation for Vietnam is also crucial for Southeast Asia.Because of being the nearest geologically,Thailand is very sensitive to the development of Vietnam.During the cold war,leaders of Thailand have advocated hawkish polices for Vietnam.After cold war,the relationship between two countries began to thaw.With the changes of international situation in the late 1980s,leaders of Thailand realized that the use of force in the past was not enough to meet the needs of the current development of Thailand.Prime Minister Chatichai has taken the policy of "turning the battlefield into a market place".Therefore,Thailand’s friendly attitude towards Vietnam has improved the bilateral relations after the Cold War.Based on a relatively thorough literature review,first of all,this paper reviewed the history of Thailand and Vietnam before modern times,and analyzed the background and policy of the relationship between Thailand and Vietnam before the cold war.It also reviewed the relationship between Thailand and Vietnam.Secondly,the author analyzed the existing data,elaborating the Thailand’s policy for Vietnam in different period and discussing the development of relations between Thailand and Vietnam.Vietnam’s accession to the ASEAN Era,The Asian financial crisis Era and ruling period of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Prayuth Chanocha were involved.Finally,by studying the previous researches,the author analyzed the Characteristics and factors of the changes of the relationship between Thailand and Vietnam,and the influence of the relations between the two countries on China and other great powers after the cold war.This paper argues that the reason of changes of relationship between Thailand and Vietnam after the cold war is that the international environment has changed after end of the cold war.And the economic interest has become one of the main factors of competition among countries Under the new global political and economic order,Thailand and Vietnam need each other the good internal and external environment to develop their economy.When the "force" gave its way to "economy",Thailand and Vietnam also change the inherent mode of thinking.Old enemies have become new friends.For Vietnam,it has lost the backer when the Soviet Union disintegrated.Vietnam urgently needs to improve its relations with its neighbors to develop its economy.For Thailand,The development of friendly relations with Vietnam has expanded its trade market and its own economy.In the political field,two sides conducted high-level visits and established strategic business partner relationship.Under the establishing of ASEAN,Thailand and Vietnam have achieved lots of pragmatic cooperation.In the economic field,Vietnam was regarded as investment paradise for Thailand.Therefore,Thailand has invested heavily in Vietnam.Trade between the two sides in 1990s also increased steadily.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thailand, Vietnam, Strategic business partner relationship
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