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A Study On Thailand’s "Balance Diplomacy" To China And The US(1991-2017)

Posted on:2019-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548479157Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a small country,when Thailand handles international relationship,the results are closely related to great powers.So how to deal with the relationship with great powers is a very important problem that has been explored through all time of Thailand.On the basis of keeping summarizing experience and drawing lessons from predecessors,Thailand’s foreign policy has become more pragmatic and flexible.Since the end of the cold war,great changes have taken place in the international environment.Thailand adjusts its foreign policy to great powers without any delay,and has changed the foreign policy from "Imbalance" to "Balance".Meanwhile Thailand began to pursue "Balance diplomacy of great powers".This article mainly analyzes how Thailand implements "Balance diplomacy of great powers" for China and the US after the end of the cold war.Facing the rise of China,Thailand has its own characteristics compared with other US allies in the Asia Pacific region.In many cases,Thailand does not always follow the strategy of the US passively.Instead,it shows more autonomy when developing and managing the relations with China and the US.Thailand also seeks the balance of these relations with the two countries.Influenced by the competitive relationship between China and the US,Thailand’s implementation of "Balance diplomacy of great powers" for China and the US can be divided into two stages.The first stage is from 1991 to 2008,which is the embryonic period of Thailand’s implementation of "Balance diplomacy of great powers".Thailand adjusts its policies in the political,economic and security fields and comprehensively develops diplomatic relations with China and the United States.The second stage is from 2009 to 2017,Thailand deepened the "Balance diplomacy of great powers" for China and the US.As the competition between China and the United States intensifies,Thailand has carefully and prudently developed its relations with China and the United States,trying its best to maintain a balance between the two countries,especially in the economic and security fields.The development of a comprehensive and balanced relationship with China and the US is aimed at better safeguarding the independence of the country;maintaining a good sense of security and promoting the development of the domestic economy.For Thailand,the successful implementation of the "Balance diplomacy of great powers" needs the following conditions:flexible diplomatic traditions;changes in cognition to China and the US;and there is a certain degree of contradiction and competition between the two great powers.From the current diplomatic stance of Thailand to China and the US,the"Balance diplomacy of great powers" is Thailand’s carefully maintained foreign policy.In the foreseeable future,under the guidance of this foreign policy,Thailand will continue to maintain a friendly bilateral relationship with China,and the alliance with the US will continue to be maintained.But the degree of mutual trust will be reduced and the defense dependence on the US will be reduced.For China,in order to create a more favorable regional environment,it is necessary to pay more attention to the surrounding small countries and choose the right opportunity and target when enterprising,so as to create an external environment conducive to the development of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thailand’s diplomacy, Balance diplomacy of great powers, The relationship between Thailand and China, The relationship between Thailand and the US
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