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A Study On The Social Organization Participation In Grass-roots Community Governance

Posted on:2019-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545462965Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
3It is that first time in the eighth session of the party that the third plenary session ofthe party is to advance the modernization of national governance system and harnessing capacity.The nineteenth report made clear in the field of strengthening and innovating social governance that we should establish a pattern of social governance for Shared governance and sharing.President xi jinping has proposed to strengthen the system of social governance,improve the social governance system of the party leaders,the government,the social synergy,the public participation,and the social governance of the law,and improve social governance,social,legal,intelligent,professional level.Moreover,it is proposed to strengthen the construction of community governance system,push the social governance center to the grass-roots level,play the role of social organization,and realize the benign interaction between government governance and social adjustment and residents' autonomy.Community is the basic unit of society,it is a shrinking society.Many problems encountered in the construction of social construction often start with the community.Only by building a good community can the society be stable and orderly.Urban community is an essential part of modern urban society and an important carrier of social governance.With the modernization of the national governance system and the power of governance,the "small government,the big society" has been the inevitable trend of social development,and social organizations as independent organizations,and in the grassroots social governance,will exert more and more unique functions and functions.Under the push of market economy,our country gradually began to devolved government administrative power,at the same time under the influence of western public administration theory,make the role of social organizations in community governance and social governance.In the course of grass-roots social control,social organization can bring about a closer relationship between social residents,and can help break social barriers and play an irreplaceable role in promoting China's democratic construction.At the same time,the social organization is one of the primary undertakers of our government's administration,and it's a good way to do some public practice.Therefore,in this context,the author believes that it is an effective attempt to put social organizations in the context of community governance,so that they can exert the potential vitality of social organizations and enable them to effectively spread positiveenergy and new ideas,which is more conducive to the realization of people's expectation for a better life.It can be seen that,in combination with that characteristic of economic and social development,the construction of social organization adapted to the development of modern society is the main way to promote the modernization of community quality,and is an urgent necessity of national modernization.This article starts with the basic concepts and theoretical constructs,first of all the basic concepts of social organization and social governance and the management theory,the multi-central governance of the government,the government failure theory;On the basis of this,we have a very thorough analysis of the state of our country,the current state of society,and the social organization and the social organization of the social organization,and the social organization has been divided into the social governance model;Then the social organizations to participate in community governance problems and their causes are analyzed,and then found the running-in between social organizations and grass-roots social governance also needs a long time;Finally,according to a series of problems existing in the development,the countermeasures and suggestions on how to strengthen social organization in community governance are put forward from the level of government,community,social organization and community residents.
Keywords/Search Tags:social organization, community governance, governance, community development
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